Fact Sheets And Publications

Achieving Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual wellness is where we establish peace and harmony in our lives by demonstrating an individual purpose and reflecting your values and beliefs in your actions. This may include having a sense of meaning and purpose in life, trusting yourself and others and being able to forgive and let go, having principles, ethics, and morals that provide guides for your life.
How do I achieve spiritual wellness?
Reflect on the following statements as they apply to you in your life, deciding if they are true for you:
- "I have a sense of meaning and purpose in my life."
- "I trust myself and others and am able to forgive and let go."
- "Principles, ethics, and morals provide guides for my life."
What can I do?
- Check-in with yourself
- Ask yourself what you deeply enjoy, what gives you meaning and purpose?
- Take a moment to let go when you find yourself ruminating over past occurrences
- Are you making enough time for your spiritual wellness?
- Make time to connect with your spiritual wellness and what that means for you. Some examples may be; attending your church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious setting, connecting with the natural world outdoors, making time for meditation or prayer, etc.
- Make time to connect with your spiritual wellness and what that means for you. Some examples may be; attending your church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious setting, connecting with the natural world outdoors, making time for meditation or prayer, etc.
- Are you practicing your beliefs?
- Make a list of the principles, ethics, or morals that resonate with you
- After making this list consider how your personal, professional, and social aspects of your life align (or don’t) with these ideas. Consider how you can focus on a particular area of your life to align with these principles, ethics, or morals.
After reflecting on these areas, use our guide to SMART Goals to learn how to set effective personal goals related to your physical wellness!


Get Experience in Mindfulness (GEM)
Are you a visual learner?
Check out our resource:
"How to Use a Wellness Wheel!"

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