Spiders and Why You Want Them Around

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Spiders and Why You Want Them Around

House Spider

Common Name: American House Spider

Scientific Name: Parasteatoda tepidariorum


They Eat Pests in Your Home 

  • Mosquitoes that can carry viruses like West Nile and Zika virus

  • Flies that can spread E. coli and Salmonella

  • Termites, spiders or other arthropodsYellow Garden Spider


A house spider
House Spider

Yellow Garden Spider

Common Name: Yellow Garden Spider

Scientific Name: Argiope aurantia


They Eat Pests in Your Garden

  • Aphids and white flies that vector disease 

  • Caterpillars and beetles that feed on plants


A Yellow Garden Spider
A Yellow Garden Spider

Grass Spider

Common Name: Grass Spider

Scientific Name: Agelenopsis



  • Cave-like web

  • Fast speed

  • Yellowish-brown color.


A Grass Spider
A Grass Spider

Orb Weaver

Common Name: Orb Weaver

Scientific Name: Araneidae



  • The females are larger than males

  • Feed on a variety of insects.


Orb Weaver
Orb Weaver

Wolf Spider

Common Name: Wolf Spider

Scientific Name: Lycosidae



  • They are solitary spiders

  • They do not spin webs

  • They carry egg sacs or spiderlings on their back


Wolf Spider
Wolf Spider

UD Cooperative Extension

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