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Social Wellness


Social wellness is how we relate and connect to others by engaging in the community and building and being a part of supportive social networks. This may include: being aware of others feelings and responding in an appropriate manner, having people with whom you have a trusting relationship, and being able to set and respect your own and others’ boundaries.

How do I achieve professional wellness?

Reflect on the following statements as they apply to you in your life, deciding if they are true for you:

  • "I am aware of others feelings and can respond in an appropriate manner."

  • "I have people with whom I have a trusting relationship."

  • "I am able to set and respect my own and others boundaries (boundaries can include personal space, personal belongings, and property and safety."

What can I do?

  • Check-in with your relationships 
    • Take a moment to see how others are doing around you whether it is a simple text, call, or you are able to see them in person just letting someone know you are thinking about them is a great way to keep a relationship going.
  • Are you making enough time for your social wellness?
    • Make sure you take breaks from work and home chores to engage with others, even if it is just for a phone call!
    • Join a club, volunteer, or start a new social hobby! See some ideas below under “Resources & Programs”
  • Are you respecting your own boundaries?
    • Although it is important to maintain your social relationships, it is just as important to also take time for yourself related to social wellness. If you are more introverted, it is ok to say no to social events or engagements when you aren’t feeling up to it!



After reflecting on these areas, use our guide to SMART Goals to learn how to set effective personal goals related to your physical wellness!

A man talking on the phone.


UD Extension's landing page for all resources relating to families and relationships.
A non-profit organization bringing high-quality, research-based information to new parents and parents-to-be. JITP distributes age-paced newsletters to subscribers, educating them on their child’s development and providing them with helpful tips and tools for their job as parents.


Social Wellness | Cooperative Extension | University of Delaware
Social Wellness | Cooperative Extension | University of Delaware
Social Wellness | Cooperative Extension | University of Delaware

Are you a visual learner?

Check out our resource:

 "How to Use a Wellness Wheel!"

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UD Cooperative Extension

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In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, Cooperative Extension is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.