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Professional Wellness


Professionally, you should have fulfillment in your job. There is also a balance between work and leisure. This may include beliefs and values surrounding money/education are harmonious with behavior, having a balance between work/school and other areas of life, having financial/educational plans for the future.

How do I achieve professional wellness?


Reflect on the following statements as they apply to you in your life, deciding if they are true for you:

  • "My beliefs and values surrounding money/education are harmonious with my behavior."

  • "I have a balance between work/school and the other areas of my life."

  • "I have financial/educational plans for the future,"

What can I do?

  • Are you making enough time for your professional wellness?
    • Ensure you schedule time once a year, at minimum to reflect on your professional work. 
    • Ask yourself if your work and life goals are aligned at this annual check-in
  • Are you practicing healthy work habits?
    • Consider sticking to a schedule- sometimes professional and personal lives can blend together, especially with the new trend in working from home. Setting and sticking to a time for work can be helpful to keep a balance between both areas of your life!
  • Consider brushing up your networking skills!
    • Create a LinkedIN and check in with colleagues on this platform
    • Engage in professional development opportunities when presented



After reflecting on these areas, use our guide to SMART Goals to learn how to set effective personal goals related to your physical wellness!

Two women  conversing at a networking event.


Professional Wellness | Cooperative Extension | University of Delaware

Are you a visual learner?

Check out our resource:

 "How to Use a Wellness Wheel!"

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UD Cooperative Extension

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