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A photo of the edge of a cornfield

Physoderma Brown Spot

Pest Background

  • Physoderma brown spot is caused by the fungal pathogen Physodermamaydis.
  • Infection occurs in the leaf whorl when water has been present for an extended, warm period.
  • Disease is limited and does not typically cause economic loss in the Mid-Atlantic.


  • Symptoms occur on mid-canopy leaves.
  • Lesions occur on the stalks and midrib. They are dark purple to black in color (Figs 1-3).
  • Banding of numerous yellowish-brown lesions across leaves can also be present (Figs 2-3).
Physoderma brown spot lesions on corn stalks and leaves
Fig 1: Physoderma brown spot lesions on corn stalks and leaves
Physoderma brown spot lesions and lesion banding near and inside the whorl
Fig 2: Physoderma brown spot lesions and lesion banding near and inside the whorl
Septoria brown spot lesions and lesion banding on the leaf surface
Fig 3: Septoria brown spot lesions and lesion banding on the leaf surface


  • Cultural practices like tillage and crop rotation can decrease inoculum load.
  • Resistant hybrids are available to combat Physoderma brown spot.
  • Fungicides are labeled for management, but this disease rarely reduces yield and should not require treatment.



Crop Protection Network . (2022, January 27). Retrieved from Physoderma Brown Spot of Corn: https://cropprotectionnetwork.org/encyclopedia/physoderma-brown-spot-of-corn


Authors: Madeline Henrickson and Dr. Alyssa Koehler

UD Cooperative Extension

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