Fact Sheets And Publications

Achieving Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual Wellness is being open to new experiences and ideas by creatively, curiously and critically thinking and seeking out new challenges. This may include having goals to learn a new skill or study a particular topic, being a lifelong learner, committing time and energy to professional and self-development.
How do I achieve intellectual wellness?
Reflect on the following statements as they apply to you in your life, deciding if they are true for you:
"I have goals to learn a new skill or study a particular topic."
"I would describe myself as a lifelong learner."
"I commit time and energy to self-development."
What can I do?
Explore a new hobby or take a course
Ask yourself what is something I always wanted to try, but never made time for? Take some time to make a list of these ideas!
Make time to learn lifeskills
There is no age limit on learning! Check out different classes offered through your local Cooperative Extension, local Delaware Public Library, or other community events. Some resources listed below!
Practice self-development
Self-development doesn’t need to be all learning new skills, consider skills you already possess that you can take time to sharpen!
After reflecting on these areas, use our guide to SMART Goals to learn how to set effective personal goals related to your physical wellness!

UD Cooperative Extension
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, Cooperative Extension is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.