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Soybean crop stubble that has been split open, revealing the Dectes stem borer larva within.
Soybean crop stubble that has been split open, revealing the Dectes stem borer larva within. Photo: Alan Leslie



The Dectes stem borer (DSB) is a longhorn beetle that is native to North America, and feeds on many wild and some cultivated plant species. 


This fact sheet summarizes biology and management implications of Dectes stem borer. Published literature and University of Maryland and University of Delaware research findings are discussed.



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About this publication

Publication: July 2022




This publication, Dectes Stem Borer Management in Soybeans (FS-1196) is a part of a collection produced by the University of Maryland Extension within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
The information presented has met UME peer-review standards, including internal and external technical review. For help accessing this or any UME publication contact: itaccessibility@umd.edu
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