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A woman comparing prices at the grocery store.

Cost Saving at the Grocery Store

Puzzled at the Grocery Store? Let Cooperative Extension Help You Put the Cost-Savings Pieces Together!

1)  Purchase generic or store-brands.

The quality and taste is usually comparative to big name brands –but the cost-savings can be significant!


2)  Do your own work rather than paying others. 

For example, buy a block of cheese and grate it instead of purchasing shredded cheese. Making food from “scratch” such as spaghetti sauce can save dollars.


3)  Compare unit pricing BEFORE you buy.

The unit price is usually displayed to the left of the actual price...it is the cost for a specific amount of the product. And remember - even if it’s on sale doesn’t mean it’s the lowest price on the shelf.


4)  Beans are easy on your waistline AND your wallet!

And they’re packed full of protein and fiber. Try adding beans to a breakfast burrito, salad for lunch, or homemade soup or casserole for dinner.


5)  Buy fresh fruit and vegetables in-season and on sale!

Fall Produce: Butternut Squash, Cauliflower, Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes, Grapes

Winter Produce: Kale, Radishes, Turnips, Grapefruit, Oranges, Tangerines

Spring Produce: Spinach, Asparagus, Carrots, Collards, Strawberries

Summer Produce: Summer Squash, Broccoli, Corn, Tomatoes, Peaches, Plums, Watermelon


6)  Make a list of what you need before you hit the store and stick to it.

You won’t forget critical items and you won’t overspend on extras. Only clip coupons if it is for something you need and use, if possible leave kids at home, never go hungry, and go right home to avoid spoilage and food safety issues.



Try these cost-saving recpies!

UD Cooperative Extension

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