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A closeup of soybeans in a field

Cercospora Leaf Blight and Purple Seed Stain in Soybean

Pest Background

  • Cercospora leaf blight and purple seed stain are caused by the fungus Cercospora kikuchii.
  • This is a widespread disease, but yield loss is rarely observed.
  • Presence of Cercospora leaf blight, does not guarantee purple seed stain, even though they are caused by the same organism.



  • Foliar symptoms begin in the upper canopy on leaves exposed to the sun.
  • Symptomatic leaves are purple to bronze and may become leathery (Fig 1).
  • Discoloration from purple seed stain can be on small spots or the entire seed (Fig 2).
Fig 1: Cercospora leaf blight symptoms on soybean leaves
Fig 1: Cercospora leaf blight symptoms on soybean leaves
Fig 2: Soybeans with purple seed stain
Fig 2: Soybeans with purple seed stain


  • Varieties with resistance to Cercospora leaf blight are available.
  • Fungicides are registered for use on Cercosporabut are not usually needed.
  • Purple seed stain may result in dockage or denial of seed certification but does not reduce yield.



    Crop Protection Network (2022, Jan 27). CercosporaLeaf Blight of Soybean. Retrieved from:     https://cropprotectionnetwork.org/encyclopedia/cercospora-leaf-blight-of-soybean

    Crop Protection Network (2022, Jan 27). Purple Seed Stain of Soybean. Retrieved from:     https://cropprotectionnetwork.org/encyclopedia/purple-seed-stain-of-soybean


Authors: Madeline Henrickson and Dr. Alyssa Koehler

UD Cooperative Extension

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