Bark Beetles
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Bark beetles
Biology and Life Cycle
Bark beetles have hard, smooth, stout bodies and range from 1.3 to 2.9 mm in length, depending on gender and species. The majority of bark beetles are female; males are smaller and flightless. Adult beetles can be reddish brown or black in color, while larvae are white and legless. Female bark borers seek out stressed woody plants as their breeding grounds since healthy trees are able to resist infection. They excavate a gallery of tunnels and chamber systems into twigs or branches, where they introduce a symbiotic ambrosial fungus that infects the plant and serves as the brood’s food source. The beetles then lay their eggs in the tunnels over several days, which hatch and develop over the course of about two months. Newly matured females mate with their brother(s) before leaving the gallery to find new host plants.

Common Name: Black timber bark beetle
Scientific Name: Xylosandrus germanus
Host Plants
100+ others

Common Name: Granulate ambrosia beetle
Scientific Name: Xylosandrus crassiusculus
Host Plants
Crape myrtle
Tulip poplar
100+ others
Possible Symptoms
Wilted foliage
Frass toothpicks
1‐mm entry/exit holes in the bark
Sap production from wounds
Early senescence
Frass toothpicks in asimina triloba Monitoring Photo credit: P. Schultz, V. Tech
Bark beetles are drawn to ethanol production from stressed plants.
Sap production in styrax japonica Photo credit: P. Schultz, V. Tech
Monitor bark beetle flight activity and populations with an ethanol lure in a modified bottle trap. Stressed trees produce ethanol even if they appear outwardly healthy, which attracts beetles looking for new hosts.
Properly planted, healthy plants are the best management tool.
If used properly, bark sprays can protect healthy trees while killing beetle broods within infested plants.
Contact your local cooperative extension office for information on the best products to manage this pest population.
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531 South College Avenue Newark, DE 19716 (302) 831-2501