Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
Virtual Mid-Atlantic
Crop Management School
Content Availability
Modules will be available until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 13, 2023. To ensure that attendees have adequate time to view modules and receive credits, registration will close at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 9, 2023.
Receiving CEUs
Registered participants will receive CEUs for each session upon successful completion of the module specific evaluation/quiz. NOTE: Only registered participants can access the evaluations and receive credit for attending the webinars.
Log into the module evaluation link to receive access to the video and a preview of the verification quiz questions. We recommend that you have your certification information and number ready prior to opening the module evaluation link. VIEWING THE VIDEO LINK: Right click on the video link and select “open in a new tab” or “open in a new window” to avoid navigating away from the evaluation page. Once the video link is opened, you have the option to toggle between the slides and speaker view using the arrows at the top right corner of the video. You can also use the box icons underneath the arrows to choose single view, split screen (video and speaker), or picture in picture.
Participants seeking CCA credits only will need to confirm that they watched the video in its entirety to receive credit. State level programs require participants to correctly answer 4 of 5 module specific content questions to receive credits. These questions are included in each evaluation.
Records of successfully completed CEU modules will be submitted to participating State programs and CCA after the programs close on March 13, 2023.
Thank you again for registering for the Virtual Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School. Please direct registration or technical questions to nutrient-management@udel.edu.
Mid-Atlantic Crop School On-Demand Access
Top Tips for Planting Green
Instructor: Ms. Heidi Reed, Pennsylvania State University
(CCA Crop Management 1.0; DE and MD Nutrient Management 1.0; not eligible for VA or WV Nutrient Management)
-- Planting green is when cover crop termination is delayed until cash crop planting or later. Delaying cover crop termination can help manage soil moisture, suppress weeds, and protect soil, but comes with challenges, too. This presentation will lay out tips for planting corn and soybeans green that we’ve learned from replicated trials, plus input from farmers who regularly use the practice.
Impact of Late-Season Management on Soybean Systems: Crop Yield and Quality
Instructor: Dr. Josh Lofton, Oklahoma State University
(CCA Crop Management 1.0; DE, MD Nutrient Management 1.0; not eligible for VA or WV Nutrient Management)
-- Soybean is a crop which requires season long management. As with most crops, critical production decisions at and around planting can influence yield. However, late-season and harvest management decisions can be just as critical and have a major impact on yield potential. Late-season management decisions such as insect and disease management, desiccation, and harvest management can not only have an impact on yield but also seed quality. Information will be discussed on how these management considerations can impact soybean production systems in both semi-arid and humid regions, of southern the Great Plains and the Mid-South, respectively.
Soybean Planting Date and Management Interactions
Instructor: Dr. Laura Lindsey, The Ohio State University
(CCA Crop Management 1.0; DE, MD Nutrient Management 1.0; not eligible for VA or WV Nutrient Management)
-- The date of planting has more effect on soybean grain yield than any other production practice. How early is too early, though? In this presentation, learn more about ‘ultra-early’ soybean planting, potential pest problems, abiotic stress, and interactions with cover crops. Although, early planting is ideal, soybeans are often planted late due to wet weather in the spring. This presentation will also cover soybean planting date and seeding rate interactions.
Are Maize Brace Roots Stealing Yield?
Instructor: Dr. Erin Sparks, University of Delaware
(CCA Crop Management 1.0; DE, MD, WV Nutrient Management 1.0; not eligible for VA Nutrient Management)
-- The importance of maize brace roots has long-been debated – with some sources claiming these roots are critical for production and others claiming they are a sign of poor plant health. I will discuss our latest results to show that these roots are not only important to maintain plant stand and prevent lodging, but that these roots also uptake water and nutrients during the critical growth periods of maize plants.
Planting Technology Options and Considerations to Improve Field Performance and Productivity
Instructor: Dr. Simerjeet Virk, University of Georgia
(CCA Crop Management 1.0; DE, MD Nutrient Management 1.0; not eligible for VA or WV Nutrient Management)
-- Several planting technologies are currently available for growers to utilize on their row-crop planters. Information on some of the basic and advanced planting technologies along with how these technologies can be effectively utilized for improving seed metering and placement accuracy, planting efficiency and crop productivity in row-crops will be shared in this session.
Alternative Fertility Sources for Forage Systems
Instructor: Dr. Amanda Grev, University of Maryland
(CCA Nutrient Management 1.0; DE, MD, VA, WV Nutrient Management 1.0)
--Ensuring proper soil fertility provides the foundation for a successful forage system. Commercial fertilizers are one option for providing nutrients but there are also other means for providing fertility to pastures and hayfields. This presentation will discuss the use of alternative fertility sources, including manure, legumes, soil biological activity, and other soil amendments, along with some fertility considerations for grazed versus harvested forages and strategies for ensuring more uniform nutrient distribution.
Soil Lime Requirement Test Methods, What They Are and How They Differ Across the Mid-Atlantic Region
Instructor: Dr. Robert (Bob) Miller, Agricultural Laboratory Proficiency Program
(CCA Nutrient Management 1.0; DE, MD, VA, WV Nutrient Management 1.0)
-- Acid soils and their management are ongoing management issues across the Mid-Atlantic Region. Generally slightly acid soils do not require lime, whereas more acid soils (pH < 6.2) and/or highly-buffered soils of the Mid-Atlantic require an assessment of exchangeable soil acidity. Regionally, there are four primary soil buffer pH methods used to assess reserve acidity: SMP, Adams Evans, Sikora, and Modified Mehlich, each with its own unique lime rate recommendations. The FRST lime project, which is led by university and USDA scientists, was initiated in January 2022 to: (1) review LGU pH and buffer pH methods utilized across the US; (2) document lime recommendation algorithms and constraints; and (3) develop regional/national harmonized lime recommendations based on new lime calibration work. This management session will review FRST lime project survey results, address similarities and differences in soil test buffer pH methods utilized for the measurement of soil exchangeable acidity, review lime recommendations, and identify soil properties and conditions where each is most effective.
Refining Corn Nitrogen Management Strategies to Improve Sustainability
Instructor: Dr. Carrie Laboski, USDA-ARS
(CCA Nutrient Management 1.0; DE, MD, VA, WV Nutrient Management 1.0)
-- Nitrogen management production is a perennial challenge for corn growers. This presentation will highlight how soil drainage class impacts nitrogen rate and timing decisions for economically and environmentally sustainable corn production in Wisconsin. In addition, discussion will focus on how this information can be used to improve nitrogen management decisions in the Mid-Atlantic region.
How Do Cereal Rye and Legume Cover Crops Affect the Optimum Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate of Corn?
Instructor: Dr. Hannah Poffenbarger, University of Kentucky
(CCA Nutrient Management 0.5; DE, MD, VA, WV Nutrient Management 1.0)
-- Applying the appropriate rate of N fertilizer is key to balancing the goals of profitability, productivity, and environmental quality in corn production. Previous research suggests that cover crops can increase or decrease the optimum N fertilizer rate of the subsequent crop, depending on the cover crop species and production environment. This presentation will describe a 12-location study evaluating how cover crop species and environment interact to influence the optimum N fertilizer rate for corn. The results can be used to inform N fertilizer rate adjustments for corn following dominant cereal and legume cover crops in different environments of the U.S.
Maximizing Returns Through Effective Nutrient Management
Instructor: Mr. Nathaniel (Nate) Bruce, University of Delaware
(CCA Nutrient Management 0.5; DE, MD, VA, WV Nutrient Management 1.0)
-- The cost of fertilizers was at an all-time high during 2022. This discussion will focus on what the cost of applying fertilizer can do to an operations bottom line at the end of the season, with a particular focus on finding opportunities to optimize returns from effective nutrient management.
Electrical Weeding and Other Novel Weed Control Technology in Annual and Perennial Crops
Instructor: Dr. Lynn M. Sosnoskie, Cornell University
(CCA Pest Management 0.5; DE, MD,VA Private and WV Pest; VA Commercial pending)
-- Herbicides are the predominant tools used in many annual cropping systems to manage unwanted vegetation. However, the use of chemical control products is not always effective/desirable due to the evolution of herbicide resistance, limited release of new active ingredients, concerns with crop injury and off-target movement, and changing regulatory environments and public perceptions about pesticide use. Consequently, there is growing interest in the evaluation and adoption of novel technology for weed control. Electrical weeders, like the commercially available, tractor-mounted Weed Zapper™Annihilator and Zasso Electroherb, control by applying a high voltage electric current directly to unwanted vegetation. This talk will discuss the results from NY field studies (2020 to 2022) describing the impacts of electrical weed control on weed growth and biomass accumulation, weed seed production and germinability, and soil health parameters. This presentation will also discuss the efficacy of other novel technologies for weed suppression including precision sprayers and cultivators.
Learning From the West, So We Can Grow our Best: Tar Spot and Other Disease Threats
Instructor: Dr. Alyssa A. Collins, Pennsylvania State University
(CCA Pest Management 1.0; DE, MD,VA Private and WV Pest; VA Commercial pending)
-- Will corn tar spot be a beast in the East? How do we prepare for a disease we’ve never experienced before? Learn what works and what doesn’t from people who have been through it. Join us to talk about tar spot, the newest disease of corn, to understand diagnosis, management, and how risky our situation is. We’ll also introduce you to other emerging diseases to keep on your radar so you’ll be the best-prepared grower you can be.
What's This in My Field? Identifying Pigweeds and Other Look-alikes
Instructor: Dr. Kurt Vollmer, University of Maryland
(CCA Pest Management 0.5; DE, MD,VA Private and WV Pest; VA Commercial pending)
-- Palmer amaranth is consistently rated as one of the worst weeds in agricultural fields. However, this species can be difficult to distinguish between other pigweed species early in the growing season. This session will offer a hands-on identification tutorial of pigweeds and pigweed look-alikes to help growers improve early season scouting.
Precision Mapping Soils Using Conductivity, Imagery, and Direct Sampling
Instructor: Dr. Jarrod Miller, University of Delaware.
(CCA Precision Agriculture 1.0, counts toward total credit requirement for individuals without the specialty certification; DE, MD, VA, WV Nutrient Management 1.0)
-- Soil maps are an excellent resource to understand what lies beneath your feet. For precision applications, they do not necessarily match up to all yield limiting factors. Established methods to improve our understanding of field level variability include grid and zone sampling, electrical conductivity mapping, as well as drone and satellite imagery. We will overview the methodology as well as some Delmarva related projects from these different mapping techniques.
Application of Digital Technologies in Irrigation Water Management
Instructor: Dr. Jose Payero, Clemson University
(CCA Soil and Water 0.5; DE, MD Nutrient Management 1.0; not eligible for VA or WV Nutrient Management)
-- The USDA reported that, on average, farmers in South Carolina applied 9.6 inches of irrigation in 2018, spending around $40 per acre or $7,825 per farm in energy expenses. But despite the high costs involved in irrigation, the overwhelming majority of farms (89%) still relied on "The Condition of the crop" as the primary method to decide when to irrigate, which could lead to water inefficiencies, reduced profits, and negative environmental impacts. Several digital technologies, such as sensor-based irrigation scheduling, embedded electronics, crop modeling, wireless sensor networks, and the Internet of Things (IoT), could provide new opportunities for facilitating and improving irrigation water management. Examples of the applications of some of these technologies in irrigation water management will be discussed.
The Economics of Water Management: Coordination in Irrigation and Drainage
Instructor: Dr. Eric Edwards, North Carolina State University
(CCA Soil and Water 1.0; DE, MD Nutrient Management 1.0; not eligible for VA or WV Nutrient Management)
-- Climate change in the Southeast and mid-Atlantic will produce higher average temperatures, increase annual precipitation, and prolong periods of drought. Agricultural producers can adapt to high temperatures and drought through irrigation, and to poorly drained soils and increasing precipitation through drainage. This presentation will explore the extent to which adaptation strategies involve the coordination of many producers, where group investment and operation of infrastructure determines private benefits via increased crop yields and higher land values. NC State-led research has examined the structure and operation of these types of organizations and historic and contemporary outcomes in terms of agricultural land value and crop output.
Woodchip Bioreactors: Funny Name, Serious Science
Instructor: Dr. Laura Christianson, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
(CCA Soil and Water 1.0; DE, MD Nutrient Management 1.0; not eligible for VA or WV Nutrient Management)
-- Denitrifying woodchip bioreactors are a conservation drainage practice that reduces nitrate loss from drained fields while not impacting in-field production. This presentation will describe what bioreactors are and how they work. Factors affecting bioreactor performance will be discussed. Future design ideas for improving bioreactor technology will be presented. Join us to hear about conservation drainage!
Cover Crop Termination Methods and Early Season Soil Moisture
Instructor: Dr. Cara Peterson, University of Maryland
(DE, MD, VA, WV Nutrient Management 1.0; not eligible for CCA credit)
-- Do you terminate your winter cover crops with herbicides, a roller-crimper, or both? The termination rates of these cover crop management strategies could impact spring soil moisture. Herbicide selection, specifically the choice between a contact and systemic product, could lead to differences in the plant senescence, evapotranspiration, and decomposition rates of the living and dead cover crop. Flattening cover crops with a roller-crimper reduces evapotranspiration and conserves soil moisture but does this change with herbicide selection? Field trials in Beltsville, MD are underway to quantify the evapotranspiration and decomposition rates of a cereal rye cover crop terminated with a systemic herbicide (glyphosate) versus a contact herbicide (paraquat), with an additional roller-crimper treatment. Preliminary results from the first year of these field trials will be presented and discussed.