Lasher Lab: Poultry Diagnostics

Lasher Lab's primary mission is to represent the first line of defense against poultry diseases. One of the ways the lab ensures poultry health for both commercial and non-commercial cases is through diagnostic testing. Diagnostic services available at Lasher Laboratory include poultry necropsy and clinical diagnosis, bacteriology (including food safety), mycology, serology, and molecular diagnostic testing. Diagnostic virology and histopathology support is provided in Newark by faculty and staff at the Charles C. Allen Laboratory and Townsend Hall. As a NAHLN (National Animal Health Laboratory Network) laboratory, the Lasher Laboratory routinely performs surveillance for Avian influenza and exotic Newcastle disease.
The Avian influenza surveillance program includes pre-slaughter testing of commercial broiler chickens, routine surveillance of backyard flocks, and testing of diseased flocks. Lasher Laboratory is an NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) authorized laboratory for AI AGID/ELISA, Salmonella Group D, and Mycoplasma. Lasher Laboratory is accredited through A2LA ISO17025.
Delmarva Poultry Growers supported by Lasher Lab
PCR tests Lasher can run daily
601.1 Million
Chickens that Lasher Lab
keeps healthy each year