Town of Middletown 2022 Comprehensive Plan
Project Overview
Town of Middletown 2022 Comprehensive Plan
O'Neill, Sean; Reitz, Jennifer; Levine, Jack
Town of Middletown
Publication Date
October 2022
The Town of Middletown 2022 Comprehensive Plan was prepared by the Town of Middletown with assistance from the Institute for Public Administration (IPA), a unit within the University of Delaware’s Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration. The purpose of the 2022 Comprehensive Plan is to guide future decisions by delineating the policies on which these future decisions will be based. These policies are developed through the comprehensive planning process and informed by factors affecting the community. These factors include demographic trends, land uses, the transportation system, natural resources, economic development, historic resources, and both utilities and community facilities. An assessment of existing conditions and the creation of a guiding vision and goals have informed the development of recommendations for the town to consider after the adoption of this plan.