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Jenna Ahner
Degree: 2014, MPA and 2012, B.A.
Job Title: Senior Associate, Education Strategy Group
Aligning K-12, postsecondary, and workforce systems.
Kohei Akiba
Degree: 2020, B.A.
Job Title: Research Assistant, Public Health Management Corporation
Advancing public health research using skills he learned as a student
Katelyn Andrews (Hosey)
Degree: 2016, MPA
Job Title: Director of Public Policy, LiveOn NY
Research assistant and Legislative Fellow experience help inform grad's career trajectory.
Abigail Armstrong
Degree: 2021, MPA
Job Title: Legislative Performance Auditor, Utah Office of the Legislative Auditor General
Provides in-depth analysis that helps legislators improve programs, reduce costs, and promote accountability.
Dabney Brice
Degree: 2020, MPA
Job Title: Associate, Research & Equity Thought Leadership, Echoing Green
Advocating for equitable investment in social entrepreneurs
Nicholas Brock
Degree: 2016, MAUAPP
Job Title: Chief of Staff, Majority Caucus-Delaware House of Representatives
Oversees strategy, operations, and communications for the majority caucus, ensuring legislative priorities are advanced effectively.
Debra Brucker
Degree: 1995, MPA
Job Title: Research Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability
Conducts research that examines economic security and health disparities for people with disabilities
Dená Brummer
Degree: 2005, MPA
Job Title: Partner, Yellow Brick Creative Studio
Successful private sector business partner drawing upon public sector experiences.
Merritt Burke IV
Degree: 1998, MPA
Job Title: Town Manager, Town of Fenwick Island, Delaware
Various experiences in town management and community involvement.
Elizabeth Burland
Degree: 2015, B.A. and M.A.
Job Title: Assistant Research Professor at the University of Connecticut's School of Public Policy
Teaches grad-level and researches educational stratification, economic inequality, and public policy design.
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