kalim shah
Associate Professor
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration
University of Delaware
2780C Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Kalim Shah studies energy and environmental governance, policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks applied to international sustainable development, corporate sustainability, climate change, public-private partnerships and innovation. Expertise in island states, jurisdictions and territories. He has global experience in extractive industries, energy and heavy industry sectors, and tourism. Shah leads the UD Island Policy Lab.
- PhD, Public Policy, George Mason University
Research Interests
Governance, policy, regulations, standards and the institutional frameworks, energy, climate change, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, public-private partnerships, innovation, US policy interactions, Small Island Developing States, extractive industries, energy, tourism and recreation, service sectors and SMEs.
Island Policy Lab
The lab is an open, participatory space dedicated to Island Policy Research where innovative researchers can experiment and carry out professional projects. The overarching goal of all work is to contribute to sustainable policy solutions in island contexts. Researchers brainstorm fresh ways of thinking about complex socio-economic and environmental questions, so as to create practical solutions. The laboratory works collaboratively with public and private partners across the globe. Researchers benefit from the lab's flexible and experimental approach, that combines research and action, mobilizes skillsets from different disciplines, and enhance the evidence base for data driven, science based policy strengthening in island jurisdictions.