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Joseph Trainor
Interim Dean
182A Graham Hall
302-831-4203Joseph E. Trainor serves as interim dean and professor of policy and administration in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware. Trainor is also a core faculty member of the Disaster Research Center, where he has built an international reputation in Disaster Science and Emergency Management.
Scott Abbott
Policy Scientist, IPA
Assistant Director, Delaware Center for Civics Education
University of Delaware
177H Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
704-650-5636Scott Abbott is a Policy Scientist for Civics Education and Assistant Director of the Delaware Center for Civics Education at the Institute for Public Administration (IPA) in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration. Scott works closely with Dr. Fran O'Malley to support civics and social studies education throughout the state of Delaware and beyond through curriculum development, school support, professional learning, policy, and partnerships.
Saleem Ali
Blue and Gold Distinguished Professor
220 Pearson Hall
Saleem H. Ali joined UD as Blue and Gold Distinguished Professor of Energy and the Environment in September 2016. He is known for his work on environmental conflict resolution. -
Lisa Moreland Allred
Lead Policy Scientist, IPA
Program Manager, Legislative Fellows Program
Adjunct Faculty
University of Delaware
179C Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Maria P. Aristigueta
Charles P. Messick Chair of Public Administration
Senior Policy Fellow, IPA
SNF Ithaca Senior Advisor
ProfessorGraham Hall
Dr. Aristigueta's research centers on organizational behavior and performance in the public sector. Aristigueta has taught courses on performance management, program evaluation, organizational behavior, and public management. -
Dominique Baker
John and Patricia Cochran Scholar of Inclusive Excellence
Associate Professor
106 Alison Hall
djbaker@udel.eduDominique Baker is an associate professor in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration and the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Delaware. She is also a UD Cochran Scholar.
Janice Barlow
Policy Scientist, CCRS
Director, KIDS COUNT in Delaware298K Graham Hall
jls@udel.edu -
Chase E. Barnes
Assistant Policy Scientist, IPA
University of Delaware
183A Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Philip J. Barnes
Assistant Professor
Policy Scientist, IPA
SNF Ithaca Affiliated Faculty
University of Delaware
298P Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Philip works closely with municipalities and state agencies to enhance local community resiliency. His research focuses on local climate change adaptation planning and implementation, with an emphasis on flooding and sea level rise mitigation policy. He also conducts policy research on non-traditional transportation systems such as bikeshare networks, electric vehicles, and autonomous vehicles.
Tracey Bauernschmidt
SNF Ithaca Program Manager
278C Graham Hall
tbauerns@udel.edu -
James Bell
Business Administrator II
184B Graham Hall
bellj@udel.edu -
Signe Bell
Policy Scientist, CCRS
CCRS Wilmington Office
100 West 10th Street, Suite 812
Wilmington, DE 19801
(302) 573-4494
signe@udel.edu -
Federica Bianco
Associate Professor
College of Arts and Sciences, Departments of Physics and Astronomy
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration
Sharp Lab
University of Delaware
fbianco@udel.edu -
Valerie Biden Owens
Chair, Biden Institute
44 Kent Way
Newark, DE 19716
Yuliya Brel-Fournier
Assistant Policy Scientist, Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research
286 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
ulenka@udel.edu -
Sarah Bruch
Director, Ph.D. Public Policy and Administration
Research Director, Redding Consortium for Educational Equity
Associate Professor298A Graham Hall
skbruch@udel.eduSarah Bruch’s research focuses on social inequality and public policy.
Martha Buell
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Education and Human Development
Jointly Appointed Professor
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration
202 Alison Hall
mjbuell@udel.edu -
Jeffery Bullock
Senior Fellow, IPA
180 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716 -
Haley Q. Burns
Assistant Policy Scientist, IPA
University of Delaware
181 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Rita Burrows
Assistant Director, Biden Institute
44 Kent Way
Newark, DE 19716
rburrows@udel.edu -
John Byrne
Distinguished Professor of Energy and Climate Policy Director, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy
278 Graham Hall
jnyangon@udel.eduJohn Byrne is director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (CEEP) and distinguished professor of energy and climate policy at the University of Delaware.
Kevin Carson
Senior Fellow, IPA
180 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716KEC57@ymail.com
Jane Case
Assistant Professor
SNF Ithaca Assistant Director
274 Graham Hall
Jane Case is an assistant professor in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration and Assistant Director of the SNF Ithaca Initiative. -
Kelly Cofrancisco
Communications Director
188A Graham Hall
kellyco@udel.edu -
Nina David
Director, Energy and Environmental Policy program
Associate Professor
276 Graham Hall
npdavid@udel.eduNina David has a background in architecture, environmental science and urban planning. Her research focuses on public engagement, equity and justice in policymaking, sustainable land-use and environmental planning, climate adaptation, growth management, and collaborative governance. She routinely works with state and local governments, and non-profits on land-use policy and projects that transform the built environment.
William J. DeCoursey
Associate Policy Scientist, IPA
University of Delaware
DGS Annex
Newark, DE 19716
302-831-4934 (fax)
Tony DePrima
Senior Fellow, IPA
Executive Director, Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility
180 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716tonydeps@aol.com
Gregory Dobler
Associate Professor
272 Graham Hall
gdobler@udel.eduGreg Dobler is an urban data scientist whose research focuses on studying cities as complex systems.
Marta K. Driscoll
Grant Analyst II, IPA
University of Delaware
186A Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Cell: 267-761-8346
Steven M. Eidelman
H. Rodney Sharp Professor of Human Services Policy and Leadership, College of Education and Human Development.
sme@udel.eduSteven M. Eidelman is the H. Rodney Sharp Professor of Human Services Policy and Leadership at the University of Delaware. He holds a joint appointment with the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration.
Monica Esterling
Academic Support Coordinator I
189 Graham Hall
mae@udel.eduArdeshir Faghri
Senior Faculty Fellow, IPA
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering306G DuPont Hall
Newark, DE 19716faghri@udel.edu
Jeremy Firestone
Professor, School of Marine Science and Policy
College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment
Jointly Appointed Professor, Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration
373 ISE Lab
221 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716Elizabeth Fournier
Associate Professor
298M Graham Hall
fournier@udel.eduElizabeth Fournier is the Director of the Master of Public Health (MPH) in Health Policy and Management program.
Edward J. Freel
Senior Fellow, IPA
University of Delaware
180 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Katie Gifford
Policy Scientist, CCRS
Health Policy Fellow298 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
katig@udel.eduRebecca Gross
Associate Director, Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR)
Associate Policy Scientist287 Graham Hall
rbedford@udel.eduSusan Haberstroh
Senior Fellow, IPA
180 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716skhaber@udel.edu
Roger Hesketh
Associate Policy Scientist, Center for Community Research Research and Service (CCRS)
CCRS Wilmington Office
100 West 10th Street, Suite 812
Wilmington, DE 19801
rogergh@udel.eduAndrew R. Homsey
Associate Policy Scientist, IPA
GIS Services Coordinator
University of Delaware
DGS Annex
Newark, DE 19716
Kimberley Isett
Vice Provost for Academic Programs and University Initiatives
116 Hullihen Hall
kri@udel.eduKimberley Isett is the Vice Provost for Academic Programs and University Initiatives.
Eric Jacobson
Senior Fellow, IPA
180 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716ericj@udel.edu
Joy V. Jordan
Assistant Policy Scientist, IPA
University of Delaware
177B Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Candace Jusino
Recruiter & Program Coordinator, Center for Community Research and Service (CCRS)
CCRS Wilmington
100 W 10th Street, Suite 409
Wilmington, DE 19801
cjusino@udel.eduJonathan B. Justice
298N Graham Hall
Jonathan B. Justice is a professor in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware, where he teaches undergraduate courses in public policy; graduate courses in public administration; and the Seoul Case Study Program.Katherine Kaplan
Assistant Professor
298H Graham Hall
katykap@udel.eduGerald J. Kauffman
Associate Professor
Director, Water Resources Center
University of Delaware
DGS Annex, 261 Academy St.
Newark, DE 19716
Meghan Keating
Communications Specialist II
186B Graham Hall
mkeats@udel.eduJames Kendra
Center Director, Disaster Research Center
Professor166H Graham Hall
James Kendra is a professor in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration and director of the Disaster Research Center.Kim Showell
Policy Specialist II, Center for Historic Architecture and Design (CHAD)
331 Alison Hall
Newark, DE 19716
kshowell@udel.eduJennifer Lambe
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Communication
Senior Fellow, Center for Political Communication
SNF Ithaca Affiliated Faculty
234 Pearson Hall
jlambe@udel.eduJennifer Lambe is an associate professor and director of graduate studies in the Communication Department at the University of Delaware, a senior fellow with the UD Center for Political Communication and an SNF Ithaca affiliated faculty member.
John Laznik
Associate Policy Specialist, Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR)
289 Graham Hall
jlaz@udel.eduJerome R. Lewis
Director, IPA
Associate Professor
University of Delaware
180 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
302-831-1699Dr. Jerome Lewis directs the Institute for Public Administration, overseeing program areas in conflict resolution, civics engagement, education, health, local government training, Recover Delaware, regional development and planning, transportation, and water resources management. Dr. Lewis teaches Seminar in Public Administration and State Government Management and Policy. As founding director of the MPA program, he has served as its interim director from time to time.
G. Arno Loessner
Professor Emeritus
loessner@udel.eduSarah Marshall
Communications Specialist, IPA
Associate Policy Scientist, IPA
University of Delaware
180A Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Rebecca McColl
Associate Policy Scientist, Center for Community Research & Service (CCRS)
297 Graham Hall
bmccoll@udel.eduCatherine McLaughlin
Executive Director, Biden Institute
Executive Producer, All Politics is Personal
44 Kent Way
Newark, DE 19716
bideninstitute@udel.eduSue McNeil
Professor Emeritus
Former Core Faculty, Disaster Research CenterJohn McNutt
Professor Emeritus
mcnuttjg@udel.eduKeith Medley III
Academic Advisor II
191A Graham Hall
komedley@udel.eduStephen Metraux
Associate Professor
Senior Faculty Fellow, IPA298G Graham Hall
Stephen Metraux is Director of the Center for Community Research and Service and associate professor of public policy at the University of Delaware.Michelle Obasi
Research Associate II, Center for Community Research and Service (CCRS)
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Sophonie W. Milord
Communications Specialist I, IPA
University of Delaware
180 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Nicole M. Minni
Associate Policy Scientist, IPA
GIS and Graphics Specialist
805 Pilottown Road
Pollution Ecology Lab Room 109
Lewes, DE 19958
Fax: 302-645-4332
Troy D. Mix
Lead Policy Scientist and Associate Director, IPA
University of Delaware
191A Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Fax: 302-831-3488
Alisa V. Moldavanova
Director, MPA Program
Senior Faculty Fellow, IPA
Associate Professor
180D Graham Hall
alisam@udel.eduAlisa Moldavanova’s research investigates organizational sustainability in the context of public service organizations, the role of inter-organizational networks and other forms of social connectedness in enabling sustainable organizations, as well as how nonprofits and other public service organizations foster sustainable development in their local communities.
James Morrison
Professor Emeritus
jlm@udel.eduJames Morrison's research interest is determining the impact of leadership style upon private/public partnerships when designing strategies to survive a natural disaster.
Minion K.C. Morrison
Affiliated Professor
298H Graham Hall
minion@udel.eduMorrison, a political scientist, has authored five books and numerous articles, largely in political science journals in the research areas of US and comparative politics and administration; racial politics in the Americas; and political leadership.
Catherine Morrissey
Associate Director, Center for Historic Architecture & Design (CHAD)
Policy Scientist331B Alison Hall
Newark, DE 19716
cmorriss@udel.eduTina Morrow
Director, Public Allies
CCRS Wilmington Office
100 West 10th Street, Suite 812
Wilmington, DE 19801
tmorrow@udel.eduKathleen M. Murphy
Lead Policy Scientist and Associate Director, IPA
University of Delaware
177 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Kathy Murphy is the Associate Director of the Institute for Public Administration and the Coordinator of the Conflict Resolution Program at UD. She holds a secondary faculty appointment in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration where she teaches conflict resolution and organizational leadership courses.
Martha Corrozi Narvaez
Lead Policy Scientist, IPA
Associate Director, Water Resources Center
University of Delaware
DGS Annex
Newark, DE 19716
Erin Nescott
Associate Policy Scientist, Center for Community Research and Service (CCRS)
297 Graham Hall
eplynch@udel.eduEdward J. O'Donnell
Senior Fellow, IPA
University of Delaware
DGS Annex
Newark, DE 19716
Fax: 302-831-4934
Julia O'Hanlon
Policy Scientist, IPA
Health and Aging Policy Services Coordinator
Staff Liaison, Delaware League of Local Governments
University of Delaware
181 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Fax: 302-831-3488
Francis J. O'Malley
Policy Specialist, IPA
Project Director, Delaware's Center for Civic Education
University of Delaware
177 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Fax: 302-831-3488
Kimberly Oremus
Assistant Professor
School of Marine Science & Policy
oremus@udel.eduKimberly Oremus is an assistant professor for the University of Delaware School of Marine Science and Policy and holds a joint appointment in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration.
Steph Patterson
Graduate Services Coordinator
191C Graham Hall
spatters@udel.eduLindsay Pennington
Administrative Assistant
184C Graham Hall
lpenn@udel.eduSteven Peuquet
Associate Professor Emeritus
Andrea Pierce
Director, Undergraduate Studies
SNF Ithaca Affiliated Faculty
Associate Professor
298J Graham Hall
Andrea L. Pierce (f. Sarzynski) is the director of undergraduate studies and associate professor at the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration and the Department of Geography. Her research interests include urban governance and policy, climate change adaptation, public participation and civic capacity.
David Racca
Policy Scientist, Center for Applied Demography and Survey Research (CADSR)
284 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
dracca@udel.eduJeffrey A. Raffel
Jeffrey A. Raffel was director of the Biden School’s predecessor, the School of Public Policy and Administration, for 10 years and former chair of the Biden School Board of Advisors. His books address public sector leadership, attracting homebuyers to cities, and school desegregation. He was a co-founder of the Delaware Academy for School Leadership. Dr. Raffel is a past president of the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, & Administration (NASPAA).
Stephanie E. Raible
Associate Professor of Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Department of Business Administration, Lerner College of Business and Economics
One South Main (OSM) 206
sraible@udel.eduEdward Ratledge
Director, Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR)
Associate Professor282 Graham Hall
ratledge@udel.eduEdward Ratledge is the director of the Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research (CADSR).
Chandra Reedy
Director, Center for Historic Architecture & Design
323 Alison Hall
clreedy@udel.eduChandra L. Reedy is a professor in the Biden School and director of its Center for Historic Architecture & Design (CHAD).
Jennifer Leister Reitz
Principal Planner, IPA
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Daniel Rich
Professor Emeritus of Public Policy
Senior Fellow, IPA
SNF Ithaca Senior Advisor
University of Delaware
180 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
From 2001–2009 Dr. Dan Rich served as University Provost. An elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, his research has focused on education policy, urban policy, energy policy and science and technology policy. His publications include 13 books and edited volumes, and more than 100 articles, monographs and professional papers.
Alaina V. Robinson
Policy Specialist II, IPA
University of Delaware
181 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Alaina V. Robinson is a Policy Specialist II at the Institute for Public Administration (IPA) in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration. Alaina works with the Education Services team on policy research and public service projects. Her research focuses on improving student outcomes in the city of Wilmington with the Redding Consortium for Educational Equity and promoting access to higher education for Delaware students through College Application Month.
Breck Robinson
Associate Professor
robinsob@udel.edu292 Graham Hall
302-897-6439Professor Robinson works at the University of Delaware as an Associate Professor in the Joseph R. Biden Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration. His background features extensive training and expertise in banking where he has worked outside of academics with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
Matthew Robinson
Professor of Sport Management
115 Raub Hall
mjrobins@udel.eduDr. Matthew J. Robinson is a professor and Area Head of the Sport Management Program at the Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware. He holds a joint appointment at the Biden School.
Rachael Romond
Training Coordinator, Center for Community Research and Service (CCRS)
CCRS Wilmington Office
100 West 10th Street, Suite 812
Wilmington, DE 19801
rromond@udel.eduTara Schleiniger
Assistant Dean, Student Services
191B Graham Hall
tschlein@udel.eduAmy Ellen Schwartz
Professor of Public Administration
Graham Hall
Dr. Schwartz's research spans a broad range of topics in education policy and urban economics, focusing on the nexus of schools, neighborhoods and public services and the causes and consequences of children’s academic, social and health outcomes. She is a leading expert on the use of large-scale administrative micro-data sets for policy research, drawing on more than twenty years of collaborative research using detailed micro-data on New York City public school children, buildings, resources, neighborhoods, retail...Timothy J. Shaffer
Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Chair of Civil Discourse
Director, SNF Ithaca Initiative
Senior Faculty Fellow, IPA
Associate Professor278B Graham Hall
tshaffer@udel.eduTimothy J. Shaffer is the inaugural Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Chair of Civil Discourse and director of the SNF Ithaca Initiative.
Ismat Shah
Senior Faculty Fellow, IPA
Department of Materials Science and Engineering208 DuPont Hall
Newark, DE 19716ismat@udel.edu
Kalim Shah
Associate Professor
270C Graham Hall
Kalim Shah studies energy and environmental governance, policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks applied to international sustainable development, corporate sustainability, climate change, public-private partnerships and innovation.Kelly Sherretz
Lead Policy Scientist, IPA
Education Services Coordinator
University of Delaware
181 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
A.R. Siders
Associate Professor
166C Graham Hall
A.R. Siders is an associate professor in the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration and the Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences, a core Disaster Research Center faculty member, and an affiliate of the School of Marine Science & Policy.James H. Sills Jr.
Professor Emeritus at University of Delaware
jsills@udel.eduDiana Simmons
Assistant to the Dean
182C Graham Hall
dwalls@udel.eduDan Smith
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences4 Kent Way
dansmith@udel.eduDan Smith is associate dean for the social sciences in the College of Arts & Sciences and professor of public policy and administration in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy & Administration.
Jessica E. Sowa
Senior Faculty Fellow, IPA
180C Graham Hall
jesowa@udel.eduJessica E. Sowa is a professor in the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware. Her research focuses on organizational effectiveness, leadership, and human resource management in government and nonprofit organizations
Lori Spagnolo
Policy Scientist, IPA
University of Delaware
DGS Annex
Newark, DE 19716
Cell: 302-932-5287
Kim Spina
Events Manager
Biden Institute
44 Kent Way
Newark, DE 19716
kimspina@udel.eduKaren Stein
Associate Professor
298C Graham Hall
kstein@udel.eduKaren Stein’s expertise includes elder abuse and neglect, strategic decision-making, and leadership and cultural intelligence. She is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect.
Francis X. Tannian
Professor Emeritus at University of Delaware
tannian@udel.eduCasey Taylor
Assistant Professor
274 Graham Hall
taylorc@udel.eduCasey Taylor's research interests include natural resources policy and management, collaborative planning and governance, biodiversity conservation, agriculture and the environment, science and politics/policy.
Amanda Kelly Thompson
Program Coordinator, Biden Institute
University of Delaware
44 Kent Way
Newark, DE 19711
aekelly@udel.eduTibor Tóth
Associate Director of the Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research
Policy Scientist
Assistant Professor292 Graham Hall
tibi@udel.eduBarbara Vent
Academic Support Coordinator I
188D Graham Hall
bvent@udel.eduTricia Wachtendorf
Director, Disaster Research Center
Professor, Dept. of Sociology & Criminal Justice
Coordinator, Emergency & Environmental Management Concentration166F Graham Hall
twachten@udel.eduTricia Wachtendorf is a professor of sociology with a joint appointment in the Biden School, and director of the world-renowned Disaster Research Center—the oldest center in the world focused on the social science aspects of disaster.
Leland Ware
Louis L. Redding Chair
Professor of Law & Public Policy
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and AdministrationUniversity of Delaware
180 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Professor Ware's research focuses on various aspects of civil rights law. He has authored more than 100 publications consisting of books, academic journal articles, book chapters, essays, book reviews, editorials and other publications in academic journals and other publications. Professor Ware has organized a number of academic symposia, professional ...
Sarah Warkentin
Grants Analyst I
184A Graham Hall
swarkent@udel.eduHarvey White
Affiliated Professor
Graham Hall
hlw@udel.eduHarvey White's research focuses on talent management, including nonprofit and community leadership, as well as organizational management, and performance evaluation.
Jenn Widdis
Business Officer
188C Graham Hall
jwiddis@udel.eduCollin Willard
Grants Specialist, IPA
179A Graham Hall
cwillard@udel.eduChris Williams
Professor of Wildlife Ecology, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
Director, Waterfowl and Upland Gamebird Center
Joint Professor, Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration
University of Delaware
ckwillia@udel.eduDanilo Yanich
SNF Ithaca Affiliated Faculty
298F Graham Hall
dyanich@udel.eduDanilo Yanich is Professor of Urban Affairs & Public Policy and Faculty Affiliate with the SNF Ithaca Initiative in the Biden School. His research and teaching focus on the nexus among media, citizenship and public policy.
Jennie Yeow
Program Manager, Center for Community Research and Service (CCRS)
CCRS Wilmington Office
100 West 10th Street, Suite 812
Wilmington, DE 19801
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For Employees
184 Graham Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 bidenschool@udel.edu Phone (302) 831-1687