Stephanie Ottino
Alumni Spotlight

Stephanie Ottino
Degree: 2011, B.S.
Job Title: Assistant Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, Widener University
Stephanie Ottino (B.S. ’11) attended a Delaware Day where she had the privilege of meeting Dr. Karen Stein and learned that UD offered a degree in Organizational and Community Leadership. She has always been told that she was a natural leader and had assumed various leadership positions throughout her life, so the leadership program was the perfect fit for her. Stephanie knew that regardless of what career she chose, or how her life would unfold, she would gain invaluable knowledge and practical experience through the leadership program that would make her successful in numerous career opportunities. Throughout Stephanie’s experience as a leadership student, she learned about the characteristics of a leader, how to influence change, and the importance of having passion in everything we do. This program was her small family within a large university community and helped develop and strengthen her ability to lead innovative change in various scenarios.
One of the most important experiences of her undergraduate career was the opportunity to study abroad, or specifically, “Lead Around the World.” Students were put in smaller groups to conduct cross-cultural research on an issue of choice and discussed solutions to the various problems surrounding it. Stephanie’s group chose education. They studied all levels of education, but she found higher education to be the most complex and interesting. The trip, along with her professor, inspired Stephanie to reflect on the issues within education, and motivated her to explore the possibility of a career in higher education.
After she graduated from the University of Delaware she took three months and backpacked through Europe, visiting a total of 13 countries. Stephanie then returned home and started working as a Production Planner for a manufacturing company that specialized in branding. She enjoyed the job, the work environment, and her colleagues but her interest in a career in higher education didn’t fade. For two years she continued to work full time while pursuing my master’s degree part time. In May 2015 Stephanie graduated from Widener University with a Master of Education degree in Student Affairs Leadership. Shortly after graduation, she accepted the position of Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Widener University, where she is currently employed. Stephanie attributes her current and future successes to the foundational knowledge and skills she gained as an undergraduate in the leadership program at the University of Delaware.
Disclaimer: This information is accurate for the time period that this person was affiliated with the Biden School.
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