Michael S. Jackson
Alumni Spotlight

Michael s. jackson
Degree: 1998, MPA
Job Title: Vice President for Finance, Delaware Technical Community College
Michael S. Jackson graduated from the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration with his Master of Public Administration in 1998. During his time at the Biden School, Michael received his start in public service through an internship at the State of Delaware Budget Office. This internship led to an 11-year career journey from intern to budget analyst to chief of fiscal and policy analysis to Director of Budget Development and Planning and finally culminating as the Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget at the conclusion of Governor Minner’s term as Governor. The practical experience while at the Biden School, and the ability to make professional connections, helped lead Michael through a career that has included being the Associate Secretary of Finance at the Delaware Department of Education, Budget Director at the University of Delaware, Deputy Controller General for the Delaware General Assembly and another round as the Delaware Office of Management and Budget as Director under Governor John Carney.
Michael is currently the Vice President for Finance at Delaware Technical Community College where he facilitates the preparation of the College’s $200+ million financial plan including, under the leadership of the President, coordinating approval of the budget through the Board of Trustees. He also oversees the maintenance, renovation, construction, accessibility, energy procurement, and lease administration across 4 campuses including 63 buildings encompassing over 1.3 million square feet of space. Part of Michael’s role includes serving on the Investment Committee, as the President’s designee, for the College’s Education Foundation, and providing administrative oversight for the Foundation’s investment portfolio including coordinating with financial advisors, setting annual scholarship thresholds, reviewing donor agreements and audit management. Lastly, he supervises the College’s payroll office supports 1,800 employees across three pay plans, and supports collegewide procurement initiatives, affiliation agreements, vending agreements, and fleet management.
Disclaimer: This information is accurate for the time period that this person was affiliated with the Biden School.
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