Fratern Masika Tarimo
Alumni Spotlight

Fratern Masika Tarimo
Degree: 2009, MPA
Job Title: Consultant and Trainer
Fratern Joseph Masika Tarimo (prefers to go by Masika) is a former MPA student from the University of Delaware Biden School of Public Policy and Administration with a concentration in Nonprofit Leadership.
While at UD, he worked as a Graduate Assistant at the Center for Community Research and Services (CCRS) in Wilmington. CCRS is a center that works with different actors through research to improve the wellbeing of the communities. Further, Fratern worked with Dr. Jonathan Justice in other research areas including budgeting processes, where he co-authored an article "2012, Justice J. B and Tarimo, F.J. NGOs holding governments accountable: Civil-Society budget work. Public Finance and Management 12 (3)"
As a student, he worked as the coordinator of the Innternationale House in Newark, Delaware where he was responsible for coordinating residence activities and programs that served to develop a sense of community and provide opportunities for learning. Moreover, during the summer of 2008 he worked as a summer recreation program coordinator at the City of New Castle, Delaware. Here, he was responsible for conducting different activities including, but not limited to: interviewing, hiring, training and supervising counselors; activity/program planning and execution; and being responsive to parents, participants and counselors on different matters regarding the summer program.
Fratern is currently working as an independent consultant and trainer. He is also a co-director of In-depth Consulting Group Limited (www.indepth-consulting.com), a firm that provides management services to the development sector. In-depth operates in Eastern and Southern Africa. Fratern's key expertise include but not limited to: Governance; Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL); Organizational Development; and Policy Influencing.
He has supported/worked various countries including; Tanzania, Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea, Uganda, Malawi, South Sudan and Ethiopia. He has done assignments for a number of multilateral organizations including but not limited to; United Nations (UN), European Commission (EU), Department For International Development (DFID), Netherland Development Agency (SNV), United States Agency for International Aid (USAID), SWISS AID, German International Cooperation (GIZ), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Wide Fund (WWF), Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC).
Before becoming an independent consultant and trainer, Fratern worked as a fulltime employee at Management for Development Foundation (MDF Eastern and Southern Africa office, where he played a major role in facilitating open entry and tailor made courses and providing tailor made consultancy services. MDF is a global training and consultancy agency with about 30 years of experience in international co-operation. Prior to joining MDF, he worked as a Managing Director for The Foundation For Tomorrow, an NGO that supports orphans as well as capacitating teachers and school administrators to effectively manage schools. As Managing Director, he was involved in setting strategies and providing organizational programmatic leadership.
Disclaimer: This information is accurate for the time period that this person was affiliated with the Biden School.
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