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Fashion Design & Product Innovation
Think fashion is only about great designs? Think again. Producing great designers is only part of the fashion design program at the University of Delaware. In addition to becoming proficient in conceptualization, drawing and rendering, flat pattern development, draping and product development, students explore and address the challenges in the dynamic fashion industry.
Fashion design students develop an understanding of the complexities of the industry and responses necessary to build a more sustainable model. Computer-aided design, portfolio development, textiles, and fashion history courses enable our students to have a holistic understanding of the past, present and future needs of the fashion design industry.
- Fashion Art Studio
- Product Development
- Fashion Drawing & Rendering
- Fashion Forecasting
- Apparel Design by Flat Pattern
- Draping
- Knitwear
- Fashion Designer
- Technical Designer
- Production Manager
- Visual Design
- Textile Designer
- Pattern Production
- Quality Control
- MS Fashion and Apparel Studies
- MS 4+1 Program
- Certificate in Socially Responsible and Sustainable Apparel Business
What’s special about this program?
Students will be immersed in both the technical and foundational design skills that are integral in preparing students for careers in apparel design. CAD-based courses, textiles, product and portfolio development, fashion forecasting and global sourcing are key areas of the curriculum that students will explore. There is flexibility to customize the program with an emphasis in Functional Design, Art, Costume History, Theatre, Business or other areas of interest. Project-based courses that include industry partners cultivate strong teamwork and collaboration skills central to career success. Our program will prepare students to be uniquely equipped for diverse career paths within the apparel industry.
Get Involved
FIT Visiting Student Program
Singapore Internship Program
Global Study Abroad
World Scholar Program
Industry Scholarships and Competitions
Summer Scholar Program
Independent Study
Fashion Merchandising Club
Synergy Fashion Group
UDress Magazine
The New Magazine
Runway of Dreams Club
Sustainable Fashion Club
Sample curriculum
General Chemistry |
CHEM102 or BISC106 or STAT200 | General Chemistry or BISC106 or STAT200
ENGL110 | Seminar in Composition
Apparel Prod Assembly |
Foundations For Fashion Innovation |
Fashion and Apparel Studies Seminar
FASH218 |
Intro to Fash Bus |
FASH233 | Fash Draw & Rendering
MATH114 |
College Mathematics and Statistics or higher
FASH210 | Seminar on Fash and Sustain
FASH213 | Costume History
FASH215 | Fund of Textiles I
FASH221 | Creative and Technical Design Studio
FASH220 | Fund of Textiles II
FASH314 | Apparel Design by Flat Pattern
PSYC100 |
General Psychology
SOCI201 | Intro to Sociology
Foreign Language Courses |
COMM212 |
Oral Comm in Business
ECON100 | Economic Issues & Policies
FASH324 | Apparel Design by Draping
FASH333 | Fash Forecasting & Design
FASH421 | Prof Portfolio Dev
FASH423 | Intro to Knitwear and Stretch Fabric Design
ART/ARTH/THEA/FASH Elective Course
2nd Writing Course
Univ History and Cultural Change
Foreign Language Course |
FASH419 | Soc/Psych Aspects of Clothing
FASH433 | Adv. Prod Dev & Mgt.
FASH455 | Glob App/Tex Trade & Sourc
FASH484 | Design Expressions
ART/ARTH/THEA/FASH Elective Course
Costume History Elective Courses
Business Elective |