
Thomas M. Powers, Ph.D.

PROFESSIONAL ADDRESSES                                               


Department of Philosophy

University of Delaware                                                                                     

24 Kent Way                                                                                                   

Newark, DE  19716                                                                                          


Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory

University of Delaware

221 Academy Street, Room 471

Newark, DE 19716




I work in several areas of the ethics of information technology, especially AI and machine ethics, and contribute to scholarship in philosophy and in engineering. More generally, my interests lie in the ethical, social, legal, and political impacts of emerging technologies.




University of Texas, Austin: Ph.D. in Philosophy.  Dissertation: “Formalism in Kant's Ethics” 1995

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich: DAAD dissertation-year fellow, 1993-1994

College of William and Mary, Williamsburg: B.A. in Philosophy (with high honors), 1987




University of Delaware: Associate Professor of Philosophy (2013-), Assistant Professor (2006-13), Temporary Assistant Professor 2005-06; Delaware Biotechnology Institute, Resident Faculty (2006-17), Affiliate (2017-); Secondary Appointments: Biden School of Public Policy and Administration (2012-), Linguistics and Cognitive Science (2012-)

Universitat des les Illes Balears: Visiting Research Professor (summer 2018)

Sorbonne University: Visiting Researcher, Laboratoire d'Informatique (UPMC) – Équipe: Agents Cognitifs et Apprentissage Symbolique Automatique, (Fall 2015, Winter 2018, Summer 2019, Winter 2019)

University of Virginia: NSF Research Fellow, School of Engineering and Applied Science (2003-05)

Santa Clara University: Lecturer in Philosophy (1997-2003); Adjunct Professor, Computer Engineering (2000-03)

Central Michigan University, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy (1996-97)

College of William & Mary, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy (1995-96)




Director, UD Center for Science, Ethics & Public Policy (2011-)

Director, UD Program in Science, Ethics & Public Policy (2007-11)

UD Faculty Affiliations: Delaware Environmental Institute (2013-); Data Science Institute (2018-); Center for Autonomous and Robotic Systems (2019-); Master of Science in Robotics (2019-); Sociotechnical Systems Center (2020-); Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (2022-); Master of Science program in Data Science (2024-)

Organizing Committee, Data Science and DARWIN Computing Symposium, UD (2025)

Organizing Committee, Synthetic Biology Symposium, UD (2025)

Chair of the AI & Data Ethics Advisory Board for NSF Proto-OKN Projects (2024-)

Delaware Humanities, Board of Directors (2023-)

UD Provost's Working Group on AI for Teaching and Learning (2023-)

UD Graduate College Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence Review Committee (2023)

UD Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Innovation Search (Research Panel) (2022-23)

UD Data Science Institute Faculty Council and Training Working Group member (2022-)

UD Dissertation Fellowship Review Committee (2021-22)

UD Strategic Planning Committee on Expanding Interdisciplinary and Global Opportunities (2021)

UD Provost Search Committee (2017 & 2021)

UD Faculty Senate Committee On Committees And Nominations (2020-22)

UD Academic Committee on Sustainability (2020-)

UD Graduate College Council (2019-21) alternate

UD Council of Community Engagement and Public Service Centers, UD (2016-)

UD Institutional Review Board alternate (2011-14) and voting member (2013)

UD Respect Committee (2015-17)

State of Delaware, Health and Social Services Human Subjects Review Board (2013-)

Cambridge Forum on AI: Law and Governance (Cambridge University Press) Editorial Board (2024-)

International Association of Computing and Philosophy, Executive Board, Director of Minds & Machines SIG (2016-24)

Awards Committee Chair, International Association of Computing and Philosophy (2024-)

Philosophy & Technology (Springer) Associate Editor, Springer (2014-)

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Editorial Board, Subject Editor for "Ethics and Information Technology" (2010-)

American Philosophical Association, Committee on Philosophy & Computers Chair (2013-16), Associate Chair (2012-13)



Edited Books


Powers, TM, editor (2017). Philosophy and Computing: Essays in Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Logic, and Ethics, Springer Publishing

Powers, TM, and Kamolnick, P, editors (1999). From Kant to Weber: Freedom and Culture in Classical German Social Theory, eds., Krieger Publishing

Articles, Chapters, and Proceedings


Lee, K, Dobler, G, and Powers, TM (in preparation) Privacy-Preserving Spatio-Temporal Data Aggregation for

Energy End Use in Cities

Araiza-Illan, D, Baum, K, Beebee, H, Chatila, R, Christensen, S, Coghlan, S, Collins, E, Cunha, A, Devitt, K, Dobrosovestnova, A,  Duijf, H, Evers, V, Fisher, M, Hochgeschwender, M,  Kokciyan, M, Lemaignan, S, Ljungblad, S, Magnusson, M, Mansouri, M, Milford, M, Moon, A, Powers, T,  Vanegas, D,  Lera, F, Salvini, P, Scantamburlo, T, Schuster, N, Slavkovik, M, Topcu, U, Wasowski, A, and Yang, Y (under review). Roadmap for Responsible Robotics, IEEE Robotics and Automation

Powers, TM (under review). Deontology in AI, in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Applied Philosophy of AI, eds. M Hähnel and R Müller, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Berlin

Powers, TM (forthcoming). Understanding Sociotechnical Systems, Computer Ethics Across the Disciplines, eds. M Verdicchio and M Noorman, Springer Philosophy of Engineering and Technology book series, Berlin

Powers, TM (2024). Artificial Moral Dispositions in Humans and Computers, Artificial Dispositions: Investigating Ethical and Metaphysical Issues, eds. WA Bauer and A Marmadoro, Bloomsbury Publishing, London

Dubljević, V, G List, J Milojevich, N Ajmeri, WA Bauer, MP Singh, E Bardaka, TA Birkland, CHW Edwards, RC Mayer, I Muntean, TM Powers, HA Rakha, VA Ricks, and MS Samanda (2021). Toward a rational and ethical sociotechnical system of autonomous vehicles: A novel application of multi-criteria decision analysis, PLoS ONE

Robinson, P, A Sun, H Furey, R Jenkins, CR Phillips, TM Powers, R Ritterson, Y Xie, R Casagrande, and N.G. Evans (2021). Modelling Ethical Algorithms in Autonomous Vehicles Using Crash Data, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Powers, TM, and Ganascia, JG, (2020). The Ethics of the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI, eds. M Dubber, F Pasquale, and S Das, Oxford University Press

Tolmeijer, S, A Weiss, M Hanheide, F Lindner, TM Powers, C Dixon, and M Tielman (2020).  Taxonomy of Trust-Relevant Failures and Mitigation Strategies, Proceedings of Human Robot Interaction 2020 (HRI ’20), ACM, New York, NY, USA

Ganascia, JG, C Tessier, and TM Powers, (2018). On the autonomy and threat of “killer robots” APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers 17 (2)

Powers, TM (2017). Intersecting Traditions in the Philosophy of Computing, in Philosophy and Computing: Essays in Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Logic, and Ethics, ed. TM Powers, Springer Publishing

Powers, TM and Shah, SI (2017). Technological Ethics in Context: The Case of Nanotechnology, in Philosophy: Technology, ed. AF Beavers, Gale Cengage: Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks

Powers, TM (2016). Prospects for a Kantian Machine, in Machine Ethics and Robot Ethics, eds.  W Wallach and P Asaro, Ashgate Publishing/Routledge 2017 paperback [republication of Powers TM (2006)]

Shah, SI and Powers, TM (2015). Nanotechnology: A Path Forward for Developing Nations, Institute of Physics Conference Series 92

Powers, TM (2014). Consequentialism, in Ethics, Science, Technology and Engineering: A Global Resource, 2nd Edition, ed. JB Holbrook, Macmillan Reference USA [revision of Powers, TM (2005)]

Powers, TM (2014). Deontology, in Ethics, Science, Technology and Engineering: A Global Resource, 2nd Edition, ed. JB Holbrook, Macmillan Reference USA [revision of Powers, TM (2005)]

Powers, TM (2014). Models for Machine Ethics, APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers 14 (1)

Powers, TM (2014). Orientation in Philosophical Research, APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers 13 (2)

Johnson, DG and Powers, TM (2014). Ethics and Technology: A Program for Future Research in Society, Ethics, and Technology, 5th edition, eds. M Winston and R Edelbach, Wadsworth Publishing, Boston Mass. [republication of Johnson & Powers (2005)]

Powers, TM and Shah, SI (2013). Teaching a Course on Ethics in Nanoscience, Journal of Nano Education 5, 1-6

Powers, TM (2013). On the Moral Agency of Computers, Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy 32 (2)

Powers, TM (2011). Prospects for a Kantian Machine, in Machine Ethics, eds. M Anderson and S Anderson, Cambridge University Press [republication of Powers TM (2006)]

Powers, TM (2011). Incremental Machine Ethics, IEEE Robotics and Automation 18 (1)

Powers, TM (2009). Machines and Moral Reasoning, Philosophy Now 72

Powers, TM (2009). Preface, in Creating a Global Dialogue on Value Inquiry, J Yan & D Schrader (eds.), Edwin Mellen Press

Powers, TM (2008). Environmental Holism and Nanotechnology, in Nanotechnology and Society:  Current and Emerging Ethical Issues, eds. F Allhoff and P Lin, Springer Publishing

Johnson, DG, and Powers, TM (2008). Computers as Surrogate Agents, in Information Technology and Moral Philosophy, eds. MJ van den Hoven and J Weckert, Cambridge University Press

Powers, TM (2006). Prospects for a Kantian Machine, IEEE Intelligent Systems 21 (4)

Johnson, DG, and Powers, TM (2005). Computer Systems and Responsibility: A Normative Look at Technological Complexity, Ethics and Information Technology 7(2), Kluwer Publishing

Johnson, DG, and Powers, TM (2005). Ethics and Technology: A Program for Future Research, in Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, ed. C Mitcham, Gale Publishing

Powers, TM (2005). Consequentialism, in Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, ed. C Mitcham, Gale Publishing

Powers, TM (2005). Deontology, in Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, ed. C Mitcham, Gale Publishing

Powers, TM (2005). Deontological Machine Ethics, Technical Report, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Palo Alto, 2005

Powers, TM (2004). Ideas, Expressions, Universals, and Particulars: Metaphysics in the Realm of Software Copyright Law, in Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World, H Tavani and R Spinello, Idea Group Publishing

Powers, TM (2004). Real Wrongs in Virtual Communities, Ethics and Information Technology 5 (4), Kluwer Publishing

Powers, TM (2002). Responsibility in Software Engineering: Uncovering an Ethical Model, in The Transformation of Organizations in the Information Age: Proceedings of the Sixth International ETHICOMP Conference, Universidade Lusiada de Lisboa

Powers, TM (1999). The Legacy of Kantian Rationalism for Social Theory, in From Kant to Weber: Freedom and Culture in Classical German Social Theory, eds. TM Powers and P Kamolnick, Krieger Publishing

Powers, TM (1999). The Integrity of Body: Kantian Moral Constraints on the Physical Self, in Philosophy and Medicine 60, Kluwer Publishing.

Book Reviews


Powers, TM (2019). Review of Living with Robots by Paul Dumouchel and Luisa Damiano, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2017, in Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences, pp. 211-14.

Powers, TM (2014). Review of Emerging Pervasive Information and Communication Technologies: Ethical Challenges, Opportunities, and Safeguards, ed. KD Pimple, 2014, in Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law 14, pp. 1-5.



1.     DARPA ASIMOV (Autonomy Standards and Ideals with Military Operational Standards), 2024-, Consultant, with CoVar, Inc.

2.     NSF OKN: A Dynamically-Updated Open Knowledge Network for Health: Integrating Biomedical Insights with Social Determinants of Health, University of Delaware (with UVa & Univ. Iowa), 2023-26, Key Personnel ($1.5 million)

3.     DARPA AI Forward Workshop, Summer 2023, Travel Scholarship recipient, Boston

4.     UNIDEL Foundation: Communications Training for UD Researchers, University of Delaware, 2021-24, Faculty Collaborator ($167,608)

5.     NSF HDR: Delaware and Mid-Atlantic Data Science Corps, University of Delaware, 2021-24, Key Personnel ($1.5 million)

6.     Herman & Charlotte Glotzer Scholarship for the Study of Ideas: The Dilemma of Artificial Autonomy, University of Delaware, 2019-20, Principal Investigator ($4,000)

7.     NSF REU SITE: Interfacing Sustainable Energy and Materials, 2015-18, Senior Personnel ($360,577)

8.     NSF SES: Becoming the Online Resource Center for Ethics Education in Engineering and Science (Supplement, with the National Academy of Engineering, PI R. Hollander), 2014-2019, Delaware Lead Investigator, ($209,239)

9.     NSF IGERT: Systems Biology in Engineered Environments, 2012-17, Faculty Personnel, ($3 million)

10.  USDA NIFA: Agriculture's Global Challenges: Food Security, Bioenergy, and Biodiversity--Building Educational and Research Partnerships with Brazil, 2011-14, Co-PI ($150,000)

11.  NSF OISE: U.S.-Pakistan Workshop on Environmental Nanotechnology & Ethics, 2011, Co-PI ($60,000)

12.  NSF & DE EPSCoR: Research Infrastructure Improvement Grant (RII-2), 2008-2013, Co-PI ($20.5 million)

13.  NSF NUE: Connecting Nanotechnology and Alternative Energy Approaches through Undergraduate Education in Engineering, 2009-13, Co-PI ($199,190)

14.  Delaware Humanities Forum Grant: The Ethics of Climate Change, 2009, Principal Investigator, ($13,000)

15.  American Philosophical Association: Conference Grant for "The Ethics of Climate Change" 2009, Principal Investigator, with Fred Schueler ($5,000)

16.  NSF REU: Nature InSpired Engineering, University of Delaware, 2009-2012, Faculty Personnel

17.  UD Graduate Improvement and Innovation Grant, RAISE-2, 2008-2009, Principal Investigator ($67,000)

18.  NSF EESE: RAISE--Research And Integrity in Science and Engineering, 2007-2009, Principal Investigator ($99,800)

19.  NSF New England Workshop on Science and Social Change “Collaborative Generation of Environmental Knowledge and Inquiry” Woods Hole, Mass., April 2007, Participant

20.  NSF & DE EPSCoR: Research Infrastructure Improvement Grant (RII-1), 2006-2008, Senior Personnel ($6.67 million)

21.  NSF REU: Creating Computer Applications for Medicine, University of Virginia, Summers 2005 and 2006, Ethics faculty personnel

22.  NSF CCLI-DUE: Developing On/Off-line Computer Ethics (DOLCE), Golden, Co., May 2002, Participant

23.  Center for Science, Technology, and Society Summer Faculty Research Grant, "Defining the Parameters of Undergraduate Web-based Research" Santa Clara University June 2000, Principal Investigator

24.  Center for Science, Technology, and Society Summer Faculty Research Grant, "Developing a Text for the Philosophy Course: Science, Technology, and Ethics" Santa Clara University June 1999, Principal Investigator

25.  School of Engineering Grant for Engineering Ethics, Santa Clara University, Summer 1999, Principal Investigator

26.  University Curriculum Development Grant "Developing a New Graduate Course in Software Engineering Ethics" Santa Clara University 1998-99, Co-PI

27.  Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Grant, Faculty Seminar on Affirmative Action, Santa Clara University 1998-99, Participant

28.  NEH Summer Seminar on German Social Theory, University of Chicago, 1995, Participant




1.     “Deontological Ethics in AI” IACAP 2024, University of Oregon, Eugene, July 2024

2.     “The Ethics of AI in the Classroom and in the Lab” University of New England, Biddeford, Maine, April 2024

3.     “Rethinking Research Ethics in the Age of Generative AI” AI for Teaching and Learning Seminar, University of Delaware, October 2023

4.     “Trust” Dagstuhl Seminar Tutorial, Roadmap for Responsible Robotics, Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, September 2023

5.     “The Ethics of Data Science and AI” North East Regional IDeA Conference, Wilmington Delaware, August 2023

6.     “Can AIs Behave Themselves? Towards a Genuine Machine Ethics” European and North American Workshop on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Rome, October 2022

7.     “Corporate Robotic Responsibility” International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP), Santa Clara, July 2022

8.     “‘The Right’ and ‘The Good’ in STEM Ethics” UD Materials Research Society, March 2021

9.     “What are the Ethics of Data Science and AI?” UD Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, March 2021

10.  “A Data Ethics Ontology” UD Computational Social Science Symposium, October 2020

11.  “Considerations of the Ethics of AI” IEEE Delaware Bay Section, October 2020

12.  “The Predicament of the Ethics of AI” North Carolina State University, February 2020

13.  “Machine Ethics: Philosophical Approaches” Dagstuhl seminar on “Ethics and Trust: Principles, Verification and Validation,” Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, April 2019

14.  “Computational Data Science: Epistemological and Ethical Challenges” Keynote Address, International Association for Computing and Philosophy, Warsaw, June 2018

15.  “Answering CP Snow’s ‘Two Cultures’: Doing Philosophy with Science” Universitat des les Illes Balears, Spain, June 2018

16.  “Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Autonomy” Workshop on Regulation of Artificial Intelligence, University of Surrey School of Law, Surrey, England, March 2018

17.  “Globalizing Science and Engineering Ethics: Convergence or Equilibrium?” Society for Philosophy and Technology, Darmstadt, Germany, June 2017

18.  “The Ambivalent Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles” Transport Futures: Mobility Pricing and Automated Vehicles Conference, Toronto, November 2016

19.  “Perspicuous Normative Language” Automated Vehicles Symposium, San Francisco July 2016

20.  “Understanding International Perspectives in Science and Engineering Ethics” American Society for Engineering Education, New Orleans, June 2016

21.  “Towards a Prescriptive Deontological Non-Monotonic Machine Ethics” (with Jean-Gabriel Ganascia), IACAP, Ferarra Italy, June 2016

22.  “Robots: Ethical, Social, and Legal Issues” Osher Institute, Wilmington, Delaware, April 2016

23.  “Nanotechnology: A Path Forward for Developing Nations” (with Ismat Shah), Science in the Developing World, University of Waterloo, Canada, September 2015

24.  “Top-down Machine Ethics” Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Vancouver, April 2015

25.  “Science and Ethics: A Shifting Relationship” Delaware Environmental Institute, Wilmington, February 2015

26.  “Can There Be an Ethics of Design?” SRPoiSE Group Meeting, Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Philadelphia, December 2014

27.  “Information Justice” Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Philadelphia, December 2014

28.  “The Ethics of High-Tech Warfare” Pennsylvania Alliance for STEM Education, West Chester Pennsylvania, November 2014

29.  “The Promise and Peril of Principles in Research Ethics” (with Mark Greene) 9th Annual Nursing Research Conference, Newark Delaware, November 2014

30.  “Safety, Privacy, and Meta-Data” (with Eric Best) Computer Ethics--Philosophical Enquiry, Paris France, June 2014

31.  “Parameters and Information Sources for an Autonomous Robot” (Panel on Ethics and Autonomous Agents) Computer Ethics--Philosophical Enquiry, Paris, June 2014

32.  “The Ethics of the Bioenergy Market” Brazil Symposium: Global Challenges in Agriculture, Environment, and Energy, Newark Delaware, May 2014

33.  “The Public Computer System and Accountability” Northeast Conference on Public Administration, Newark Delaware, November 2013

34.  “Prospects for a Smithian Machine” International Association for Computing and Philosophy, College Park, Maryland, July 2013

35.  “Environmental Ethics and Nanotechnology” Joint International Workshop on Nanotechnology: Policy, Ethics and Science, Islamabad, Pakistan March 2013

36.  “A New Naturalism for Environmental Ethics” University of Genoa, Italy, January 2013

37.  “Teaching Ethics to Scientists: Why Rules and Consequences Matter” University of Miami, September 2012

38.  “Teaching a Course in Ethics in Nanoscience” AAAS Science & Human Rights Meeting, Washington D.C., July 2012

39.  “Explaining Technological Action” Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, July 2012

40.  “Aggregation and Future Individuals” International Conference on Interpretive Policy Analysis, Tilburg University, the Netherlands, July 2012

41.  “Science-related Ethics and Public Policy Research" Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil, April 2012

42.  “Cases and Methods in Research Ethics” Medical Society of Delaware Spring CME Symposium, Newark DE, April 2012

43.  “Decision Procedures for Nanotechnology Development" 3rd Int'l Conference on Nanotechnology (Al Ain, U.A.E.), December 2011

44.  “Decision Procedures for Nanotechnology Development" ISESCO-COMSATS-NSF Int'l Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanoethics (Lahore, Pakistan), December 2011

45.  “Fabrics of Science: Quine and the Possibility of Collaboration" Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, San Diego, April 2011

46.  “The Machines are Here and Driving Us: Allen and Wallach's Moral Machines" Pacific Division Meeting, American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, April 2010

47.  “Kantian Humanism and Human Enhancement” Oxford University, December 2009

48.  “Author Meets Critics” for Jerry Gaus (Kavka Prize in Political Philosophy), Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Vancouver, April 2009

49.  “Ethics and Biofuels: Distributive and Intergenerational Justice” Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, March 2009

50.  “Author Meets Critics” session for Moral Machines by C. Allen and W. Wallach, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Cincinnati, March 2009

51.  “Virtual Action Theory” Conference on Virtual Worlds and Interpretive Communities, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 2009

52.  “Getting ‘Good Science’ Right: Research Ethics and the America COMPETES Act” California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, February 2009

53.  “AI and Eldercare” (invited ethics symposium speaker) Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium, November 2008

54.  “Bioethics in a Time of Changing Technologies” Nemours Center for Pediatric Research, Delaware, September 2008

55.  “The Ethics of Biofuels: Starving Peter to Drive Paul?” Plants & Soils: Montreal ’08 (invited plenary symposium speaker) July 2008

56.  “Neuroimaging and Philosophical Moral Psychology” Institute for Clinical Research, Montreal, July 2008

57.  “Is Ethics Computable?” (invited plenary session panelist) North American Computing and Philosophy Conference (NA-CAP), Indiana, July 2008

58.  “Smith and Kant on Moral Psychology” University of Delaware, April 2008

59.  “Discovering Engineering Ethics in the Silicon Valley” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, July 2007

60.  “Design and Action: A Framework for the Philosophy of Engineering” University of North Carolina-Charlotte, February 2007

61.  “Can There Be a Science of Ethics?” Delaware Biotechnology Institute, October 2006

62.  “Distributive Justice and Information Technology” Georgia Tech School of Public Policy, January 2006

63.  “Deontological Machine Ethics” Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium, November 2005

64.  “An Account of the Moral Agency of Technology” University of North Texas, February 2005

65.  “Towards a Kantian Critique of Technology (the Long Route)” Drexel University, January 2005

66.  “On De George’s The Ethics of Information Technology and Business” Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Boston, December 2004

67.  “Normative Arguments and the Apparent Conflict of Values” University of Delaware General Education Institute, June 2004

68.  “Intentionality and Moral Agency in Computers” European Computing and Philosophy (E-CAP), Pavia, Italy, June 2004

69.  “Computers as Surrogate Agents” (with Deborah Johnson) ETHICOMP-Syros, Greece, April 2004

70.  “How Much Theory: Towards a Meta-Applied Ethics” 13th Annual Meeting of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Cincinnati, February 2004

71.  “A Kantian Critique of Technology” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, October 2003

72.  “The World According to Kant” Philosophical Forum, Linköping, Sweden, September 2003

73.  “The Moral Agency of Technology” University of Linköping, Sweden, September 2003

74.  “Real Wrongs in Virtual Communities,” Fifth International Conference of Computer Ethics - Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE), Boston College, June 2003

75.  “Ideas, Expressions, Universals, and Particulars,” Sixth Annual Ethics and Technology Conference, Boston College, June 2003

76.  “The Computer Layer in Pedagogy” Pacific Division Meeting American Philosophical Association and the Society for Philosophy and Technology, San Francisco, April 2003

77.  “Responsible Computing: Towards a Policy for University Computer Use,” Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University, April 2003

78.  “An Idiosyncratic Philosophy of Technology,” TCC Colloquium, University of Virginia, January 2003

79.  “Responsibility in Software Engineering: Uncovering an Ethical Model,” ETHICOMP-Lisbon, November 2002

80.  “Kantian Freedom and the Defeasible Conception of Dignity,” Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, March 2002

81.  “A Kantian Account of Dignity,” Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University, January 2001

82.  “The Kantian Critique of Technology,” San Jose Intercollegiate Philosophy Forum, November 2000

83.  “Consistency and the Categorical Imperative,” University of California at Santa Cruz, November 1997

84.  “Some Problems with Kantian Ethical Formalism,” Central Division Meeting, American Philosophical Association, Pittsburgh, May 1997

85.  “Georg Simmel as a Neo-Kantian,” Simmel Conference, University of Colorado at Boulder, April 1996

86.  “The ‘Object of Experience’ in Kant’s Critical Metaphysics,” St. Joseph’s University, February 1996

87.  “Kantian Reflections on Bodies and Body-Parts,” Northern Arizona University, January 1996




NIH Workshop "Exploring the Applications of Knowledge Networks in Biomedical and Behavioral Research" Co-chair and panelist for Ethics and Trustworthy Constructs panel, (planned May 2025)

Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Proposal Reviewer, 2024-25

NIH Workshop “Toward an Ethical Framework for AI in Biomedical and Behavioral Research: Transparency for Data and Model Reuse” Participant, 2024

GPPC “Ethics of Big Data” panel host and organizer (with Noel Swanson), Drexel University, 2023

Dagstuhl Seminar invited participant: "Roadmap for Responsible Robotics" Leibniz Center for Informatics, Germany, September 11 -15, 2023

International Jury for research chairs, Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI), France 2023-24

IACAP Special Track, Minds & Machines SIG, “Generative AI and Machine Thinking”, Prague 2023

National Science Foundation Grant Proposal Review Panels: STS, AI & Society, and Graduate Research Fellowship Program, 2014-16, 2019, 2021, 2022

Switzerland National Science Foundation Grant Proposal Reviewer, 2020

Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Grant Proposal Reviewer, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022

Dagstuhl Seminar invited participant: "Ethics and Trust: Principles, Verification and Validation" Leibniz Center for Informatics, Germany, April 22 -26, 2019

Editorial Board, International Journal of Technoethics, 2020-

Online Ethics Center, National Academy of Engineering and Uva, International Perspectives Editor, 2015-

Editorial Advisory Board, Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 2016-

Reviewer for the journals Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy, IEEE Technology & Society, Science and Engineering Ethics, Minds & Machines, Idealistic Studies, mBio, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Ethics and Information Technology, Journal of Business Ethics, Accountability in Research, Techne, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, AI & Society, Kriterion-Journal of Philosophy

Advisory Board, The Nanoethics Group

Ethics Advisory Board, The Lifeboat Foundation

Board of Management, Consortium for Socially-Relevant Philosophy of/in Science and Engineering (SRPoiSE), 2014-

AAAS Science & Human Rights Coalition, Ethics and Human Rights Working Group, 2012

Committee on Bioethics and Ethics in Science of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP)

Committee on Public Philosophy, American Philosophical Association, Member 2009-2012

Faculty Scholar, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University, 1997-2003