July 21st 1918.

Today I borrowed 20 Francs off
Lieut Stuart & visited St. Omer
where I had a good time &
was able to buy steak, eggs
& potatoes. But the steak
was horse flesh, so I didn't
relish it much although
I ate it. It was much
sweeter than real beef
steak. I sat in a French
Estaminet & was served by
a pretty French Mle. who
seemed very happy to wait on
the soldiers for among us
were Australians, Canadians,
New Zealanders, British, French
Italian, & a few of us Yanks.

July 26th 18.

Today the fellows were paid
& I collected some outstanding
bills. We had a big party
on Burgundy wine & that
night when I returned to
my tent I dragged Erico

across a puddle of mud &
water because he wouldn't
keep quiet. We are sleeping
on the ground here & at
night we have much
company in the shape of
worms, spiders etc.

July 27th 1918.

Erico is confined to his
tent as his clothes are
all wet & muddy. He is
very sore & dams me every
time I get in his sight!

July 30th 1918.

This was an exciting day.
Our cook, who is a nutty
old mountaineer lost his
pants, & entirely serious he
went looking for the thief
armed with a cleaver, a
big pistol & several huge
knives. Foley, who stole the
pants hid them in a
tree several hundred yds.
distant. At noon, which we