AB3AP K2 Filter Software

Runs on linux, MacOS, and Windows.

This page describes and illustrates unfinished software that controls K2 filter settings for both crystal and DSP filter choices. If you are interested in completing this software please contact me. I'll be happy to share the source code. It is written in Java and was developed using the netbeans IDE. I bought a K3 :-D and lost interest in pursuing the K2 code. I believe everything works but is not user friendly.

Before the software can control the K2 it must know the current settings. The first thing the program does is read the crystal and DSP filter settings, which takes a minute or two. A little frustrating... The only other option I can think of is to save the settings and tell the program to 'trust me' and assume the settings in the file are correct. It does not work that way at the moment. It takes the brute force approach and reads the info. Currently, no progress bar indicates that this is happening and will leave the poor user wondering at the long delay & why his K2 display is flipping through all sorts of settings, possibly prompting him to power off his rig!

When complete it will then display a trapezoid representing the filter:

Notice that light gray lines properly indicate the width of your crystal filter XFIL width choices.

As the user clicks within the individual sub-trapezoids he chooses the XFIL:

By clicking on the DSP buttons he similarly chooses which of those to adjust. It is shown as an orange trapezoid within the green:

Notice that various controls are either enabled or grayed out. The idea is to help a new user of the DSP to see what choices are available. The noise blanker (NB) light gray line is also adjusted to visually indicate setting. The user can use the mouse to grab the end of the NB line and raise or lower it.

In the case of the SSB DSP filters, a notch is displayed. The user simply clicks on the notch to turn or off that function and the notch is filled in or left empty to indicate state. (I forgot to take a screen capture of this.)

In the case of CW and DATA the user can drag the orange trapezoid around. The trapezoid's edges can also be pulled to widen or narrow the bandwidth. For CW and DATA stretching an edge causes the opposite edge to widen the same amount. In the case of SSB, you can individually drag the lower and upper edges to adjust cutoff frequencies. In all cases described above, when the mouse is released the program sends the proper commands to the K2 to make the adjustments. The goal was to make adjusting the DSP quick and simple instead of navigating many menus.