import cmath import numpy as np # When playing noise against a captured signal, it is often convenient # to create the noise by specifying number of samples needed and sample # rate of target signal. The function createNoise() provides this. # # Mike Markowski, # Feb 10, 2015 # cart2pol # # Convert arrays of cartesian coordinates to arrays of polar coordinates. def cart2pol(x, y): rho = np.hypot(x, y) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) return phi, rho # pol2cart # # Convert arrays of polar coordinates to arrays of cartesian coordinates. def pol2cart(rho, phi): x = rho * np.cos(phi) y = rho * np.sin(phi) return x, y # Generate a Gauusian noise waveform based on number of samples needed. # # Create white Gaussian noise. # Using input properties, creates noise curve. # Input: desired noise properties. # Output: noise curve as described by intputs. # # Based on Matlab code by Vikas Singh. def createNoise(centerFreq_Hz, bandwidth_Hz, sampleRate_Hz, numSamples): toneGap = float(bandwidth_Hz) / sampleRate_Hz # Gap between noise samples. # Make noise tones of magnitude 1 in freq domain, centered at 0 Hz: # 1 ---+ +--- # | | # 0 +----------+ halfBwSamples = int(toneGap * numSamples) / 2 # WHAT IF ODD???? noiseTones = np.ones(numSamples) noiseTones[halfBwSamples : 1 + numSamples - halfBwSamples] = 0 # Random phase noise, -pi to pi radians, for each noise tone. randomPhase = np.pi * (2 * np.random.rand(numSamples) - 1) # Convert polar mag/phase to Cartesian. x, y = pol2cart(noiseTones, randomPhase) c = np.vectorize(complex)(x, y) # Move to time domain. timeDomSig = np.fft.ifft(c) # Mix to user specified center frequency. if centerFreq_Hz != 0: t = np.arange(numSamples) / float(sampleRate_Hz) centerSig = np.cos(2 * np.pi * t * centerFreq_Hz) timeDomSig *= centerSig # If IQ needed to feed to ARB, use following line # IQdata = real(timeDomSig), imag(timeDomSig) # return IQdata return timeDomSig