The book of 101 opera librettos: complete original language [sic]
texts with English translations. New York: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers,
1996. 1474 pages (Click here
for list of titles included in this book.)
Dix cycles de lieder = Ten cycles of lieder: Beethoven, Brahms,
Mahler, Schubert, Schumann: traduction mot a mot, accent tonique par Marie-Terese
Paquin. Montreal: Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, 1977.
German opera, 1770-1880. Librettos. New York: Garland, 1985-
Harrison, Donna Esselstyn. Poetry in song literature: a handbook
for students of singing. Evanston, Ill.: Wm. Caxton, c1989.
Italian opera librettos, 1640-1770. Intro. by Howard Mayer Brown.
New York: Garland, 1978-
Jeffers, Ron. Translations and annotations of choral repertoire.
Corvallis, Or.: Earthsongs, c1988- (Vol. 1. Sacred Latin texts.)
Kaldis, Cynthia. Latin music through the ages. Wauconda, Ill.:
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, c1991. (Includes poetical works in Latin
with English translation.)
Masters of the Italian art song: word-by word and poetic translations
of the complete songs for voice and piano by Timothy LeVan. Metuchen, N.J.:
Scarecrow Press, 1990.
Miller, Philip Lieson. The ring of words: an anthology of song
texts. The original texts selected and translated, with and introduction.
New York: W.W. Norton, [1973].
The opera libretto library: the authentic [sic] texts of the
German, French, and Italian operas with music of the principal airs, with
the complete English and German, French, or Italian parallel texts. New
York: Avenel Books, 1980. (Reprint of three vols. originally published:
New York: Crown Publishers, 1939.)
Phillips, Lois. Lieder, line by line and word for word. 1st U.S.
ed. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1980, c1979.
Piatak, Jean and Regina Avrashov. Russian songs & arias:
phonetic readings, word-by-word translations, and a concise guide to Russian
diction. Dallas, Tex.: Pst...Inc., 1991. (WARNING: This book has far too
many problems to be useful to singers. Check the review by Laurence Richter
in Slavic and East European Journal, v. 38, no. 2 [summer 1994], p. 401-404.)
Pocket Opera - Pippin English Versions
Prawer, Siegbert Salomon. The Penguin book of Lieder. Edited
and translated. New York: Penguin Books, [1964]. (Penguin reference book,
Russkii muzykal'nyi teatr 1700-1835 gg.: khrestomatiia. Sostavil
prof. S.L. Ginzburg. Leningrad: Iskusstvo, 1941. (Contains brief histories,
synopses, and libretto excerpts.)
Stikhotvornaia komediia, komicheskaia opera, vodevil' kontsa XVIII-nachala
XIX veka: v 2 tomakh /?. Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel', Leningradskoe
otd-nie, 1990. (Biblioteka poeta. Bolshaia seriia)
Word-by-word translations of songs and arias, by Gerton Coffin,
Werner Singer [and] Pierre Delattre. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1966-1972.
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Texte zu den Kantaten, Motetten, Messen, Passionen und Oratorien
von Johann Sebastian Bach. Vorgelegt von Christine Frode. 1. Aufl.
Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag für Musik, 1986.
Brahms, Johannes
Brahms-Texte: sämtliche von Johannes Brahms vertönten und bearbeiteten
Texte. Die Sammlung von Gustav Ophuls, vervollstaendigt und neu herausgegeben
von Kristian Wachinger; mit drei Zeichnungen von Willy von Beckerath. Ebenhausen
bei München: Langewiesche-Brandt, c1983.
Cui, César Antonovich [Kiui, Tsezar' Antonovich]
Feast in Time of Plague
o Neff, Lyle K. "César Cui's Opera
in Time of Plague," in The Pushkin Review, v. 1, 1998. (Contains
entire libretto in Russian (Cyrillic) with parallel English singing translation.)
Debussy, Claude
The poetic Debussy: a collection of his song texts and selected
letters. Edited by Margaret G. Cobb; translations by Richard Miller. Rev.
2nd. ed. Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press, 1994. (Eastman
studies in music, 1071-9989)
The singer's Debussy. Edited, with introductions and translations,
by Marie-Claire Rohinsky. 1st ed. New York: Pelion Press, 1987.
Handel, G. F.
The librettos of Handel's operas: a collection of seventy librettos
documenting Handel's operatic career. General editor, Ellen T. Harris.
New York: Garland, 1989. 13 v.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
The librettos of Mozart's operas. General editor, Ernest Warburton.
New York: Garland Pub., 1992. 7 v.
Puccini, Giacomo
The complete Puccini libretti. Edited by Nico Castel. Genesio,
NY: Leyerle Publications, 1993-
Rachmaninoff, Sergei Vasil'evich
The singer's Rachmaninoff. Edited, with introductions and translations
by Natalia Challis. 1st ed. New York: Pelion Press, 1989. (WARNING to singers:
the IPA transcriptions in this book are not accurate.)
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreevich
Christmas Eve
o The night before Christmas = Noch' pered Rozhdestvom: an opera
in four acts (nine scenes) based on a story from Nicolai Gogol's Evenings
on a Farm near Dikanka by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov; English version
by Peteris Silins and Richard Strawn. 1977. (Inscribed photocopy of Russian/German
vocal score: Leipzig: M.P. Belaieff, [19--], with interlinear English singing
translation added by hand. Held by Indiana University Music Library.)
o Taylor, Philip. Gogolian interludes: Gogol's story "Christmas
Eve" as the subject of the operas by Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov. London:
Collets, 1984.
The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia
o Skazanie o nevidimom grade Kitezhe i deve Fevronii. Vladimir
Ivanovich Bel'skii; opera-misteriia N.A. Rimskogo-Korsakova. Photocopy
of typescript, 25 p. (Held by Indiana University Music Library.)
Schubert, Franz
Bühnenwerke: kritische Gesamtausgabe der Texte. Herausgegeben
von Christian Pollack. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, c1988.
Franz Schubert: die Texte seiner einstimmig komponierten Lieder und
ihre Dichter. Vollstaendig gesammelt und kritische hrsg. von Maximilian
und Lilly Schochow. Hildesheim; New York: G. Olms, 1974. 2 v.
Schubert: the complete song texts -- texts of the Lieder and
Italian songs. With English translations. Trans. by Richard Wigmore. Forword
by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Schirmer Books: New York, 1988.
Schumann, Robert
The singer's Schumann. Edited, with introductions and translations
by Thilo Reinhard. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pelion Press, 1989.
Strauss, Richard
Die Texte der Lieder. Kritische Ausgabe von Reinhold Schlotterer.
Pfaffenhofen: W. Ludwig Verlag, 1988. (Veröffentlichungen der Richard-Strauss-Gesellschaft,
München; Bd. 10)
Sullivan, Sir Arthur
Asimov's annotated Gilbert and Sullivan. Notes by Isaac Asimov.
1st ed. New York: Doubleday, 1988.
Authentic libretti of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas. With a
foreword by Frederick Hobbs ... Including famous musical selections and
original "Bab" illustrations by Sir. W.S. Gilbert. 1st ed. New York: The
Bass Publishers, [1934].
Dixon, Geoffrey. The Gilbert and Sullivan concordance: a word
index to W.S. Gilbert's libretti for the fourteen Savoy operas. New York:
Garland Pub., 1989. 2 v.
Tchaikovsky, Piotr Il'ich
o Cherevichki: opera in four acts by Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky;
libretto [by Yakov Polonsky]; translated by Philip Taylor. London: Collets,
1981. (Reissued, along with original text in Taylor'sGogolian
interludes [see under Rimsky-Korsakov].)
Richter, Lawrence R. Tchaikovsky's complete song texts: Russian
texts of the complete songs of Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky with phonetic transcriptions,
literate and idiomatic English translations. Geneseo, N.Y.: Leyerle Publications,
Verdi, Giuseppe
The complete Verdi librettos. Ed. by Nico Castel. Geneseo, NY:
Leyerle Publications, 1994-