![HR-2017_Warren_Award-Ammigan_Ravi-062217 Presentation of the 2017 John Warren Excellence in Leadership and Service Award to Ravi Ammigan, executive director of international services for the Office of International Students and Scholars. "The Warren Award recognizes significant accomplishments and notable contributions in leadership by University supervisory staff." [UDaily] - (Kathy F. Atkinson / University of Delaware)](/udaily/2017/july/ravi-ammigan-warren-award-winner/_jcr_content/udaily_Image.coreimg.jpeg/1499090545578/hr-2017-warren-award-ammigan-ravi-062217-002.jpeg)
Warren Award winner
Photo by Kathy F. Atkinson July 03, 2017
Ravi Ammigan receives 2017 John Warren Award
Ravi Ammigan, executive director of the Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS) at the University of Delaware, has received the University’s John Warren Excellence in Leadership and Service Award.
The Warren Award, created in 2011, recognizes significant accomplishments and notable contributions in leadership by University supervisory staff and includes a $1,000 gift.
Since February 2016, Ammigan has also served as interim director for the Institute for Global Studies (IGS) and interim associate deputy provost at the University.
In her nomination letter, Deputy Provost Lynn Okagaki said that Ammigan took on additional responsibility last year in the Institute for Global Studies, noting, “He has done a superb job under challenging conditions. Under his leadership both IGS and OISS have developed new programs, expanded opportunities for students and responded quickly and effectively to rapidly changing federal regulations.”
OISS has substantially increased the services and opportunities provided to international students and scholars, and “Ravi has done an amazing job at developing partnerships with units all across the campus,” Okagaki said.
As the University’s international population has grown, OISS has seen increases in staff, expansion of office hours to better meet the needs of international students, scholars and their families and the implementation of new software systems.
With the January 2017 Executive Order and changes in federal regulations, Okagaki said, “Ravi and his team have carefully monitored the situation, which continues to change, and kept our international students and scholars, as well as University leadership, well-informed.”
At IGS, Okagaki said his guidance has resulted in improved teamwork, a shared vision among the staff and more efficient processes, procedures and protocols. “Ravi’s leadership has led to a revitalized IGS staff who are working hard to help the University reach President Assanis’ goals for internationalization of the campus.”
Okagaki concluded, “The success of his work has directly contributed to the University’s goal of being a leader in comprehensive internationalization in higher education and our ability to serve our students and support our faculty.”
Ammigan came to UD from Michigan State University in 2013 as director of OISS. With more than 15 years of experience in the field of international education, he had held leadership positions in the area of international student and scholar services, admissions and recruitment, and global outreach and programs.
Nationally, Ammigan has served as chair of the Knowledge Community for International Student and Scholar Services, chair and network leader of the Programming and Community Outreach Committee, and chair of the Foreign Born International Educator member interest group with NAFSA: Association of International Educators.
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