Oct. 24: Open Access workshop
September 19, 2016
Library to host Open Access Week workshop on Creative Commons
In order to encourage and support open access to campus projects, the University of Delaware Library will sponsor a workshop titled “Creative Commons: What You Need to Know” on Oct. 24.
The workshop, part of International Open Access Week activities, is designed to encourage the use of Creative Commons licenses and help UD students, faculty and staff learn about resources that they may want to use in their graphic presentations.
Participants will learn about Creative Commons licenses and how they can use them to enhance their projects in a hands-on workshop.
At the end of the hour, workshop participants will have practiced:
• Finding Creative Commons materials online, such as photographs, audio, and video;
• Incorporating Creative Commons into a project, like a presentation or short video;
• Teaching some of the basic concepts of U.S. copyright, fair use and how Creative Commons fits in with existing law; and
• Contributing to the commons by uploading a creative work with a Creative Commons license attached.
“Creative Commons: What You Need to Know” will be offered from 4-5 p.m., Monday, Oct. 24, in Room 114 of the Morris Library.
Presenters will be Nico Carver, coordinator, Student Multimedia Design Center Services; Hannah Lee, program coordinator, Multimedia Literacy; and John Stevenson, associate librarian, Student Multimedia Design Center.
This workshop is open to students, faculty and staff. No registration needed.
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