Security awareness training
October 13, 2016
Secure UD Training emphasizes security topics, awareness during NCSAM
To coincide with National Cyber Security Awareness Month, University of Delaware Information Technologies (UD IT) released the third and final phase of this year’s Secure UD Training for UD employees at the end of September.
Secure UD Training uses short, topical training videos to address key ideas in information security. These training videos are convenient enough to fit into a deskside lunch break or between emails. Better still, the lessons they teach are applicable both in the workplace and beyond. Employees are encouraged to complete Secure UD Training to better equip themselves to face cyber threats in their personal and professional lives.
“Promoting security awareness is really about cultivating a culture of security among our community,” says Karl Hassler, director of IT Security. “Hackers are getting more daring, and they’re counting on a lack of security savviness among their targets. The more aware we are as a community, the better we can protect ourselves, each other, and the University from harm.”
Secure UD Training provides a great opportunity for employees to engage in protecting themselves and their community. Almost 1,500 employees have already started or completed phase three of Secure UD Training in the two weeks since its launch. Those who have not already done so can join them in creating a culture of security awareness at UD by getting started with Secure UD Training today.
Additional information security resources are available to the University community at the new Secure UD website.
For information about current security threats seen at UD, including the latest phishing threats, visit the Secure UD Threat Alerts blog.
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