Open textbooks
October 25, 2016
Library, ATS set discussion on money-saving learning materials
Those who are interested in finding ways to help their students save money while still providing great learning materials to support their learning in class are invited to join the University of Delaware Library and Academic Technology Services for a brown bag discussion about open textbooks from noon-1 p.m., Monday, Nov. 7, at the Faculty Commons, 116 Pearson Hall.
As the cost of attending college continues to outpace the consumer price index, the cost of textbooks has followed the same trend. This session will introduce strategies faculty can use to find, vet, adopt and adapt freely and openly available learning materials to supplement or replace currently used commercial textbooks.
Presenters will discuss what makes learning materials open and appropriate uses of copyrighted materials in educational settings. Time will be reserved for a question-and-answer session and to let participants search for materials for their own classes.
Presenters will be Meg Grotti, assistant head of instructional services, University of Delaware Library, and Mathieu Plourde, educational technology consultant, Academic Technology Services.
Refreshments will be provided to participants who register in advance by completing this survey by 5 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 6.
More information on open educational resources is available through the OER Research Guide.
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