Hot topics in the classroom
October 28, 2016
CTAL to host conversation about “Handling Hot Topics in the Classroom”
The University of Delaware’s Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning will host a Teaching and Learning Conversation (TLC) about “Handling Hot Topics in the Classroom” from 12:30-1:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 1, in Faculty Commons (116 Pearson).
Registration is available online.
Current events on and off campus that stir up intense debate in the public sphere can often spill over into the classroom. When this happens, it is important for faculty to maintain control of the classroom and ensure that all students feel able to contribute to the conversation.
Attendees will have the opportunity to create a proactive plan to deal with sensitive and incendiary issues in order to model a respectful dialogue in the classroom.
CTAL is a partner of Faculty Commons. Upcoming events for CTAL and other partners can be found at the Faculty Commons website.
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