'Inclusive Excellence'
May 20, 2016
UD's action plan for diversity now available online
The University of Delaware’s action plan for diversity has been posted on the University’s Diversity webpage.
Entitled “Inclusive Excellence: An Action Plan for Diversity at UD,” the plan was authored by Carol Henderson, vice provost for diversity, with input from departments and individuals across the campus.
In an opening letter, UD President Nancy Targett and Provost Domenico Grasso write, “We are encouraged by the progress that has been made so far and the deep commitment shown throughout the University to keep moving toward this more diverse future.” Acknowledging that there is still much work to do, they conclude by encouraging members of the University community to read the plan and consider what they can do both professionally and personally to help the University reach its goals.
“I hope ‘Inclusive Excellence’ will spark discussion and inspire action in our community,” Henderson said. “This is a living document, designed to evolve and grow with the University community as we reach our goals and milestones and target new objectives for ourselves and our campus. I look forward to working and collaborating with members of the University community to achieve our goals.”
Opening with an epigraph by Chinese Confucian philosopher Xunzi -- “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn” – the plan summarizes the University’s progress and, looking forward, enumerates six guiding principles for action:
• Recruit, develop, retain and promote a diverse faculty and staff;
• Continue to create and retain a diverse student body;
• Transform curricular and co-curricular goals;
• Create opportunities for educational/professional development and training;
• Build community and improve campus climate within UD; and
• Strengthen community outreach and engagement.
The plan’s goals are grouped into five categories: diversifying UD’s academic campus; educating the academic community about institutional diversity goals and objectives; improving campus climate within UD; developing an accountability system for achieving institutional diversity goals; and developing and expanding public engagement partnerships with the external community.
The plan concludes, “In advancing cultural understanding and creative expression, bridging opportunity divides and fostering educational opportunities that allow our students to connect their knowledge and skills to addressing the grand challenges and great debates of our time, we strengthen the University of Delaware’s commitment to provide a rich educational experience that impacts diverse communities and humanity globally.”
Also included in the plan are appendices covering a UD diversity timeline, the infrastructure of diversity, offices and programs, demographic profile and data, and priorities for achieving inclusive excellence over the next five years.
Comments and inquiries about “Inclusive Excellence” may be sent to vpd@udel.edu.
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