Top colleges
UD ranked 29th in Forbes' list of best public universities
5:28 p.m., July 30, 2015--For the second time this month, the University of Delaware has been ranked among the top schools in the nation, with Forbes placing UD 29th among public universities in its "America's Top Colleges Ranking 2015."
Earlier this month, Money magazine named UD the 21st among public universities in its list of "Money's Best Colleges."
Campus Stories
From graduates, faculty
Doctoral hooding
For its rankings, Forbes worked with the Center for College Affordability and Productivity in Washington, D.C., to identify the nation's top colleges. According to the Forbes website, the "list of 650 schools distinguishes itself from competitors by our belief in 'output' over 'input.' … Our sights are set directly on ROI: What are students getting out of college?"
The University of Delaware is ranked at 142 overall, out of 650 schools, and comes in 65th among research universities and 66th in the Northeast.
The Forbes ranking is based on student satisfaction (25 percent), postgraduate success (32.5 percent), student debt (25 percent), graduation rate (7.5 percent) and academic success (10 percent).
Social media impact
In connection with its rankings, Forbes published a blog post on July 30 focusing on the impact of social media in choosing a college. The blog mentions UD's Social Media Ambassador program where students share their campus experiences online through Blue Hen Twitter accounts.
Meredith Chapman, digital communications director at UD, is quoted, "We're finding that students are really relating to their peers putting out content."