Ann Ardis has been named interim vice provost for graduate and professional education, effective Sept. 1.

New assignment

Ann Ardis to serve as interim vice provost


8:26 a.m., May 26, 2015--Ann Ardis, deputy dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and director of the Interdisciplinary Humanities Research Center (IHRC) at the University of Delaware, has been named interim vice provost for graduate and professional education, effective Sept. 1. 

Ardis will succeed Jim Richards, Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology, who recently made the decision to return to the classroom and research laboratory.

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The vice provost for graduate and professional education reports to the provost and works closely with deans, department chairs and graduate program directors to provide leadership supporting the continued enhancement of graduate and professional education and postdoctoral studies.  

In partnership with the deans, the vice provost promotes inclusive excellence in graduate and professional education across campus and works to enhance support for graduate student services. Additionally, the vice provost works to increase funding opportunities, strengthen and expand interdisciplinary and cross-college collaborative programs, develop new high-profile initiatives that build on the University’s strengths, and promote the national and international visibility of current graduate students and graduate alumni.

“Ann is a strong, innovative and visionary leader whose many distinguishing attributes include her years of high-level administrative leadership experience in several very different roles and her support for interdisciplinary initiatives as head of the IHRC,” said Provost Domenico Grasso. 

“Her deep understanding of interdisciplinary education will be a great asset to us as we progress further into implementation of our strategic plan.”

“I am honored to serve the University in this position, and look forward to working closely with the provost, the deans and other members of UD’s academic leadership to further strengthen graduate and professional education,” Ardis said.

About Ann Ardis

Ardis joined the UD faculty in 1989 as an assistant professor of English and was appointed associate professor in 1993 and professor in 2002. She served as director of graduate studies in English (1994-98) and director of the Honors Program (1998-2002) before being asked to serve as associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in 2002, director of the IHRC in 2009 and deputy dean in 2011. 

In 2012-13, she served as interim deputy provost for the University. In 2013-14 she served on both the Responsibility Based Budget Review Task Force and the Carnegie Engaged University Task Force.

A leader of long-standing within the college, Ardis has published extensively on turn-of-the-20th-century British literature and culture. She concludes a tour of duty as one of three co-editors of Modernism/modernity, a top-tier interdisciplinary modernist studies journal published by the Johns Hopkins University, this year.  

Book publications include:  Modernism and Cultural Conflict (Cambridge, 2002); New Women, New Novels: Feminism and Early Modernism (Rutgers, 1990). Edited special issues and co-edited collections include:  “Mediamorphosis:  Print Culture and Transatlantic/Transnational Public Spheres” (Modernism/modernity, September 2012); Transatlantic Print Culture: 1880-1940: Emerging Media, Emerging Modernisms (Palgrave, 2008); Women’s Experience of Modernity (Johns Hopkins, 2002); Virginia Woolf: Turning the Centuries (Pace, 2000). 

Ardis received a bachelor's degree in English (with honors) and political science from the University of Kansas in 1979. She earned her master's degree and doctorate from the University of Virginia in 1982 and 1988, respectively.

Article by Jawanza Ali Keita


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