Training Resources


The University of Delaware Research Office (RO) provides training on many aspects of research and research administration. Training resources and online learning modules can be found in the different categories below. Upcoming training, workshops and symposia can be found on our calendar. If you have a specific training request, Research Office staff is available to provide specialized training as needed.
Upcoming Trainings



COS Pivot Training

Identifying funding information related to research

NIH Proposal Academy

A year-long NIH proposal
preparation program

NSF Career Proposal Academy

A year-long NSF proposal
preparation program

UD Research Orientation

The Research Office annual introduction to conducting research at UD

COS Pivot Training

Identifying funding information related to research

NIH Proposal Academy

A year-long NIH proposal
preparation program

NSF Career Workshop

A year-long NSF proposal
preparation program

UD Research Orientation

The Research office annual introduction to conducting research at UD

General University Research Exchange

How to prepare a
competitive proposal


How to prepare a
competitive proposal


How to prepare a
competitive proposal

General University Research Exchange

How to prepare a
competitive proposal


How to prepare a
competitive proposal


How to prepare a
competitive proposal



Effort Certification

Reporting and confirmation
of an employee’s time

ConnectingU Courses

Available online courses from
Credit Card Training to UD Financials

Credit Card Admin

Overview of UD credit card practices
for future card administrators

UD Financials

A four-part series centering on financial fundamentals at UD

Effort Certification

Reporting and confirmation
of an employee’s time
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Effort Certification Training

UD’s research enterprise depends on funding from federal and state agencies, private foundations, organizations and industry. The University’s electronic Effort Certification Process (ECP) is the principal means of verifying that salaries and wages charged to, or contributed to, a sponsored project are fulfilled in a manner consistent with the award documentation and compliant with the federal regulations for which the University is held accountable.

If you need assistance in identifying your effort administrator, please see the Department Administrator Directory within our Staff Directory. To learn more about administering the effort certification process in your department, check out the training opportunities below.

ConnectingU and Effort Certification

ConnectingU offers two courses to help familiarize yourself with the Effort process.

Effort Certification Process

It is imperative that anyone administering the effort system understand the system and how it is used. Effort Certification procedures are outlined in the following document: Effort Certification Procedures.

Viewing of the Effort Training video is mandatory for anyone logging in to the online Effort Certification System.

The training sessions below are available to use in-house or for the Research Office to present to faculty or staff. Two training sessions are available to employees who will either certify or administer the Effort Certification Process for a given department:

The following three-part series WITH audio:

The following three-part series WITHOUT audio:

Administrative Detail Training

PowerPoint: Sponsored Effort Nuts and Bolts

Effort Certification
Effort Certification is defined as the reporting and confirmation of an employee’s time spent conducting any University activity that typically is expressed as a percentage of the total institutional compensated based time — Institutional Based Salary (IBS). The University of Delaware has an online Effort Certification System.

To join the effort-administrators email group, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Effort Administrators Google Group.
  2. Click on the blue Sign in button (top right).
  3. Sign in with your UD account (if you have a personal google email, that will be one of the choices, you have to choose the UD email account).
  4. You will see the message: You must be a member of this group to view and participate in it.
  5. Click on the link: Apply for membership.
  6. On the next window click on the link: Join group.

Questions/ Concerns

ConnectingU Courses

Available online courses

Credit Card Admin

Overview of UD credit card practices

UD Financials

A four-part series centering on financial fundamentals at UD

UD as a Sponsor

Internal funding opportunities available to early career faculty members

NIH Salary Cap Calculator

An aid to determine employee compliance with the NIH Salary Cap

UD as a Sponsor

Internal funding opportunities available to early career faculty members

NIH Salary Cap Calculator

An aid to determine employee compliance with the NIH Salary Cap



Animal Subjects

The humane care and use of animals
in research and teaching

CITI Program

Human subjects in research
online training module

Conflict of Interest

How to determine
potential conflict of interest

Export Control

U.S. Export Control laws that
apply to University research

Animal Subjects

The humane care and use of animals
in research and teaching

CITI Program

Human subjects in research
online training module

UD Conflict of Interest

How to determine
potential conflict of interest

Export Control

U.S. Export Control laws that
apply to University research

Good Clinical Practice

Good Clinical Practice
training as required by NIH

Human Subject Protection

The protection of
human subjects in research

Responsible Conduct of Research

Guidelines and resources

Responsible Research Guide for PIs

Financial management of sponsored projects

Good Clinical Practice (GCP)

Good Clinical Practice
training as required by NIH

Human Subject Protection (HSP)

The protection of
human subjects in research

Responsible Conduct of Research

Guidelines and resources

Responsible Research Guide for PIs

PI training for financial management
of sponsored projects

Uniform Guidance

Guidance by which university recipients
of federal awards operate

OMB Uniform Guidance

Guidance by which university recipients
of federal awards operate

If you have a question or would like more information about an upcoming training, we encourage you to contact us by selecting the button below.


Compliance Hotline
Phone: (302) 831-2792

UD Research Office
100 Discovery Boulevard
10th Floor STAR Tower
Newark, DE 19713
Phone: (302) 831-2136
Fax: (302) 831-2828
Contact us



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