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Analyses to help manage your land.
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Managing Spotted Lanternflies

This destructive, invasive insect poses a threat to Delaware's agricultural economy. 

Welcome to UD Cooperative Extension


In 1869, the University of Delaware (UD) College of Agriculture and Natural Resources was established as the state’s land-grant university with a mission consisting of three elements: teaching, research and “extension”.


Cooperative Extension fulfills the third part of this mission: bringing knowledge to the people of Delaware. Today, we offer university knowledge, research and resources — just for you! You have questions.


We have expert answers. From nutrition , Master Naturalist , Master Gardeners to 4-H youth clubs and programs that support local agriculture — UD Cooperative Extension has something for everyone!

Make a DIFFerence


Getting involved with UD Cooperative Extension is an excellent way to support and improve your Delaware community. Whether you're volunteering as a 4-H Adult Leader or donating to supporting an Extension Scholar, your local Master Gardener program, UD Cooperative Extension is grateful to have your involvement!


Each year, impact statements summarize the accomplishments of our educational efforts! The latest impact statements are available in both text and infographic formats.


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  • Lead photo for The New You is coming through resilience

    The New You is coming through resilience

    February 03, 2025 | Written by: Jennifer Seabrook-Scott, Health & Well-Being Extension Agent
    People often treat the clock as a magical artifact, believing that when it strikes midnight on New Year’s, they will become new and improved. Now that we are in February, how new do you feel? Have you maintained your resolutions or lifestyle changes? The truth is, the clock doesn’t change us; rather, adversity does. Adversity—difficult or challenging events—can foster resilience if we adapt positively.
  • UD’s impact at Delaware Ag Week

    January 28, 2025 | Article by Michele Walfred and Katie Peikes Photos by Michele Walfred and Jackie Czachorowski
    UD faculty and staff help Delaware agriculture professionals face emerging issues Emerging crop diseases keep farmers on their toes. One of them, southern blight, is a serious fungal disease with a menu of 500 host plants. “It can be tremendously problematic,” said Alyssa Betts, University of Delaware extension plant pathologist, during Delaware Agriculture Week, held January 13-16. “It is a very aggressive fungus; it can take down a whole plant in a fast amount of time.”
  • Horticultural Honors

    January 28, 2025 | Written by Michele Walfred, Communications Specialist, Photos by Jeremy Waymen
    UD Cooperative Extension, in partnership with the Delaware Nursery & Landscape Association, held its 35th Delaware Horticulture Industry Expo and Pesticide Conference, a two-day educational event for Delaware green industry professionals. Two notable UD CANR names, Barton and Budischak honored.
  • Herbicide Resistance Keeps Evolving, Requiring Smarter Management Tools

    January 23, 2025 | Dave Lefever,
    HARRINGTON, Del. — Mark VanGessel has been updating farmers on weeds’ herbicide resistance for 20 years and has plenty of reasons to keep doing so.

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