Every year, the Office of Institutional Research and Planning, with the assistance of the Bank of America Career Services Center (CSC), surveys University degree recipients to ascertain students' post-UD employment and educational plans. This report summarizes the career and educational plans of students who completed their degree requirements at the University of Delaware between Summer 2009 and Spring 2010 (2095, 2098, 2101, 2103). The Career Plans Survey was administered to all undergraduate and graduate degree recipients through a combination of 1) Survey cards distributed at select college convocations and 2) an online survey. After the Survey cards were distributed at select college convocation ceremonies in May 2010, a postcard was mailed to all undergraduate and graduate degree recipients in November 2010, as well as a follow-up in December 2010, providing graduates the URL of the 2010 Career Plans web survey (http://www.udel.edu/IR/cplans2010). Additionally, the CSC webpage linked to the above URL to assist with data collection. A final follow-up with the survey’s URL was sent via email to graduates in March 2011. Data obtained from all of the above sources are incorporated in the results.
For the 2010 cohort, our overall response rate for undergraduate degree recipients was approximately 27 percent; for graduate degree recipients it was approximately 15 percent. The data available on this website reflect the structure of the seven undergraduate and graduate colleges in place during the 2009-10 academic year.
For a more detailed explanation of the data contained in the Career Plans Reports, please see the Technical Appendix. There is also a sample Survey available.
If there are any questions about the data on this website, please contact Allison Walters at awalters@udel.edu or (302) 831-2021.