Schedule of Classes

North Green



For questions and training related to the Schedule of Classes, please email, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

At the University of Delaware, course curricula are developed annually by the Colleges and/or the academic departments in accordance with the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees as executed by the Faculty Senate. The University's Course Inventory consists of all courses listed in the current Undergraduate and Graduate catalog. Each semester, departments review the classes that have been offered in a prior term and determine if the same classes should be offered again and/or should details be changed or updated. The Scheduling Office compiles and edits, if necessary, this information into the Schedule of Classes in order to create the class offerings as well as to populate the online search application used by students to develop their semester schedules. Finally, as the term approaches, rosters are created, merging the class and student information and are made available to faculty via the Faculty Center in UDSIS.