UDSIS Navigation Help for Facutly & Staff

North Green

UDSIS Navigation Help for Faculty & Staff


Please note:  UDSIS was updated on 8/18 and users may need to clear their browser's cache before logging in.



Accessing UDSIS

Homepage top bar and icons

  • If you have multiple homepages, click on the homepage name to switch to a different one.
  • Use the icons in the upper right hand corner to navigate UDSIS
    • The Home icon will take you to your default homepage - the one listed first.
    • The 3 dots will take you to the Sign Out link. Be sure to Sign Out of UDSIS when done.
    • Click the NavBar (compass) icon in the upper right hand corner to access
      • Recent Pages
      • Favorites
      • Menu (all the menus/pages granted by your UDSIS security)
  • The Home and NavBar icon may disappear from your top bar if your browser window is too narrow. Enlarge the window size and the icons will reappear.
  • Those with a Staff Homepage may change their default homepage.
    • If you have a Staff Homepage along with the Faculty & Advisors Homepage and work with Undergraduates using the Blue Hen Success Collaborative (BHSC), then your Faculty & Advisors Homepage should remain the default to facilitate the connection.
    • To change the Homepage default:
      • Click the Actions List and then Personalize Homepage.
      • On the next screen, the left bar will list all your homepages.
      • Click and drag the one you want as your default to the topmost position.
      • Click the SAVE button.



  • Click the tile to access left-bar links to related UDSIS screens or UD pages. The links under each tile will either open in the right-hand frame, or in a new window.
  • If a left-bar link opens a new tab/window, the browser window with the red icon is UDSIS.
  • Use the back arrow page link that appears on the top blue bar to return to a previous page OR if not there, use the Home icon to return to your default homepage.
  • Some pages, like My Schedules & Rosters and My Advisees may take awhile to load, based on the data to display. You need to wait for the tile's first link to load before clicking other left-bar links.
  • If a link opens a .pdf file, depending on your browser setup, check your downloads icon to access the file, OR make sure pop-ups are not blocking the opening of the .pdf file in a new browser window.

How to "Add to Favorites"

  • Navigate to the page you want to Add to your Favorites.
  • Click the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and then select Add to Favorites.

Resources for assisting students