Entrepreneurship Major

Horn Entrepreneurship Class of 2023: youtube.com/watch?v=R8TMXM46C-0

Why major in entrepreneurship?

The Entrepreneurship (ENTR) major empowers students by providing them with the knowledge, skills, connections and resources needed to successfully launch a startup, foster innovation for an established company or develop sustainable solutions to important societal problems. Entrepreneurship majors learn how to recognize opportunity, generate ideas, validate business models, influence others, bring innovative solutions to market and launch and grow new markets.

opportunities for entrepreneurship majors 

*denotes exclusive opportunities for entrepreneurship majors

Stories & happenings

  • Samantha McGhee holding an oversized check with her winnings from the 2023 Hen hatch competition.

    In Between the Stitches: Samantha McGhee of Miss Boulevard

    April 22, 2024 | Written by Yashlee Francois
    Samantha McGhee is a junior double majoring in Entrepreneurship and Fashion Merchandising, and she is the founder of Miss Boulevard, a loungewear brand centered on self expression.
  • Mollie Moran

    April 15, 2024 | Written by Heni Patel
    Mollie Moran won the February Horn Hen of the Month award. She is a Senior Entrepreneurship major with an Integrated Design minor. The Horn Hen of the Month award highlights a student that is inspiring others and impacting their community.
  • Horticulture Meets Entrepreneurship

    March 25, 2024 | Written by Natalie Kessler
    Lauren Roberts is a sophomore Entrepreneurship student at UD who runs her business OBEnaturelle while taking classes full-time and staying involved in multiple clubs.
  • Announcing the 12th Annual Deshpande Symposium Award Winners

    June 30, 2023 | VentureWell
    University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship's Social Entrepreneurship Initiative was recognized at the Deshpande Symposium on Innovation & Entrepreneurship as its 2023 awardee for Excellence in Curriculum Innovation in Entrepreneurship.
  • April Horn Hen of the Month: Max Martin

    June 22, 2023 | Written by Horn Entrepreneurship
    For the month of April, Max Martin has won the Horn Hen of the Month award. He is a freshman entrepreneurship major with a minor in professional selling and sales management from Long Island, New York.